They say that your buck is half your herd. With this in mind, we have carefully selected these bucks as the sires of our future kids.
*** Scroll down for our Semen List and information on Buck Service ***
CH (pending) DCP KS King's Gambit *B semen available *Leg *Leg *Leg
DOB: 2/22/2020 DNA on file
Stayawhile Farm is happy to announce the arrival of DCP KS King's Gambit *B who is a son of MCH/GCH Proctor Hill Farm KA Kingspear +B EEE92! Gambit daughters are making a name for themselves in the show ring taking 6th place GET of Sire at the 2023 ADGA Nationals and in very large competitive shows in the Pacific Northwest.
Stayawhile G True Meridian - Best Jr Doe in Show 2022 4th place 2yo milker 2023 ADGA Nat'ls Stayawhile G True North - 2nd place 2yo milker Stayawhile G Raven's Pearl - GCH Jr Doe 2022 5th place Jr Yearling 2023 ADGA Nat'ls Stayawhile G Cinder & Salt - 6th place Jr Yearling 2023 ADGA Nat'ls Stayawhile G Median Spirit - part of 6th place Get of Sire at 2023 Nat'ls |
Minterbay SBJ Tiger Beat DOB: 4/27/20 DNA on file
Sire: Castle Rock Sweet Baby James
SS: CRF Castle Rock Guy Noir SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay SD: Cloverdale YJ Blue Raven SD: Castle Rock Sweet Heart DS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon DD: Algedi Farm S Honey Heart Dam: Loperrized FS Tiger Paws DS: Joyful Hearts KR Finley SS: Algedi Farm CK Kinetic Riptide SD: Joyful Hearts DS Tiger Tracks DD: Cabrandywinfarms AKR Suri DS: Algedi Farm CK Kinetic Riptide DD: SLY Farms CJ Rosalyn Daughters:
Stayawhile T Clever Story - |
Valley's-Edge GF Lucidity DOB: 5/19/2020 *DNA on file. Sire verified.
Sire: Valley's-Edge FF Guy Fawkes
SS: Ole-Humble Acres Fox Fire SS: Dawnland SH Dusky Wing SS: Dawnland Curry's Spicy Hot SD: Dawnland Tabby's Whirlabout SD: Heaven's Acres KRW Harpina 1*M VVEE90 DS: Kyeema Ridge The Wanderer DD: Heaven's Acres PS Swiss Miss SD: CH Tiny Angels American Beauty EVEE91 DS: Tiny Angels Levi Blues SS: Morning Star NR Moonshine SD: Tiny Angels Bambi's Sonnet DD: Tiny Angels BTTB Painted Daisy DS: Velvet Acres BAD To The Bone DD: Old Oak Farm Yes It's True Dam: Valley's-Edge J Clarity +VVE88 DS: Valley's-Edge RT Jacobite SS: Valley's-Edge Mabel's Riddle SS: Tiny Angels MLJ OnTheWildSide SD: Tiny Angels Maybeline SD: CH Humble Acres Teakwood EEEV90 DS: Humble Acres A Atreus DD: Kyeema Ridge Jenolan DD: CH Tiny Angels OH-MG DS: Humble Acres O Henry SS: Rosasharn GF Oba *B VEV87 (Sire of CH Almar Acres O Leroy Jethro G *B EEE90) SD: Rosasharn LP Lillith DD: CH Weedy Tavern Farm Lilly EEEE93 DS: Tiny Angels Moon Shadow DD: Tiny Angels Bambi's Sonnet |
Stayawhile CID Best Story Ever - 20th place Yearling milker at the 2023 ADGA Nat'ls |
AI - Stayawhile SR Release The Lion
DOB: 5/27/20 M109 Moonspotted. DNA on file.
2021 - Junior Champion Buck in all 3 rings at the SWWDGA Show!
Sire: Onaqui BQ Sweet Release
SS: Old Mountain Farm Bravo Quinn +*B VEE88 SS: SG Old Mountain Farm Maenar Quinn ++B VVE88 SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Tao-Dah! 2*M VEVE90 SD: SG Onaqui BH Sweet Elk 3*M VVVV87 DS: GCH Old Mountain Farm Bold Hart +B VEE89 DD: SG Creamery Creek TS SweetNCreamy 2*M EEEE92 Dam: MilkNKids MM Your Highness 1*M DS: Urban Acres MS Man In The Moon *B SS: GCH Camanna LI Moonlight Symphony *B SS: Dill's D Lucky's Image *B SD: SGCH Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata EEEE91 SD: SGCH Urban Acres SD Blue Bonnet 2*M (3x ADGA Top Ten Performance Doe) DS: Alexanderfarm BW Studlydorite *B DD: SG Copper Penny Blue Eyed Susan 1*M DD: Goat-ER-Done CC Charishma DS: Proctor Hill Farm Cajun Chief +V+84 SS: TX Twincreeks SEM Indiansummer *B SD: Dragonfly RY Mardi Gras DD: SG Gladdie Acres Macchiato 2*M VV++84 DS: SGCH Copper Penny MTB Money To Burn +B ++E84 DD: SG Deer Run ND Beryl 1*M Daughters:
Stayawhile L Lucy's Lion Story - GCH and RGCH Jr Doe 2022 |
Till-Riv SS Dashing Prince DOB: 6/05/20 DNA on file.
DCP FND New Sheriff In Town *B
DOB: 4/26/21 DNA on file. Collected.
Stayawhile NSIT Catalyst - GCH Jr Doe 2022 |
Sire: Agape's Prize Feliz Naughty Da
SS: Agape's Prize Axl Rose CQuinn SS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Scarlet Rose 1*M 2018 ADGA National Champion SD: Agape's Prize Ash Wednesday DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Keidan Quinn DD: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Merriment 3*M 2017 ADGA NATional Champion, Best Udder Dam: Creekwood Acres Sienna DS: Carrheart RM Stormbringer SS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B SD: CH TX Twincreeks MMD Snowflake DD: TX Twincreeks EN Angelica 3*M EVEV90 DS: SG TX Twincreeks E Edge Of Night *B +VE87 DD: SGCH TX Twincreeks WDF Sarafina 5*D/2*M EEE92 |
Goat Addiction Ritz Cracker - DOB: 3/13/21 DNA on file. Collected with straws available
Co-owned with Angela Foster and LeRoy Satter
Stayawhile RC Absolute Magic Stayawhile RC Express Lane Stayawhile RC Whispered Yarn Stayawhile RC Original Story Stayawhie RC Animated Story Stayawhile RC Ryvita Stayawhile RC Ritz Amelia |
Stayawhile Farm is happy to announce the arrival of Ritz Cracker to Washington! Ritz Cracker is co-owned with LeRoy Satter from Till-Riv Farm and Angela Foster from Rainy Rock Farm. We're excited to add him to our fall breeding schedule and get him collected. As soon as it stops raining, we'll try to get an updated photo of him. Stay tuned...
Sire: Dill's ROR F I T With A Z
SS: Zanzabeez River On The Rocks SS: Dill's PL Patron *B SD: Zanzabeez BC AT The Rivers End SD: SGCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92 2013 ADGA National Reserve Champion Sr Doe DS: MI Sugarcreek TW Tune's XM DD: SG Dill's LD Remember Dam: SGCH Dill's D Likker 3*M VEEE91 DS: Dill's LD Derringer ++B, *S SS: Twin Creeks LS Luck OfThe Draw +*S,E SD: Promisedland CP Fiddle DeeDee 3*D DD: SGCH NC Promisedland RB Moonshine 2*M VEEV90 DS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau +*B *S DD: SGCH Promisedland Good Day Sunshine 1*M 2*D |
Stayawhile LZ Nouveau Depart - AI Nubian
DOB: March 24, 2022 Currently being leased
Minterbay HL Whole Nine Yards
Stayawhile J Toby Mac
Stayawhile AW Starman
R83 AI (Kyeema Ridge Astral Weeks x Elite MilkNKids MM Your Highness 1*M VEEE90)
Semen in the tank:
List of Semen in our tank:
Proctor Hill AB Bayliner 5/$250
Heaven’s Hollow Majesty 5/$300
JDR Ranch CS Spots Gone Wild 5/$250
Poppy Patch HB Harry Winston 5/$200
Castle Rock Penny Dreadful 5/$300
Alethia JD Bachelor Party NA
Stayawhile FIN Camera Tech *B
Caprinos TMM Renegade 5$150
Castle Rock Rime NA
Onaqui BQ Sweet Release NA
Castle Rock Saraband NA
Olson Acres LVN Memories *B NA
Sugar Moon NS Alejandro *B NA
Springwater AL Wait That’s Me *B NA
Rosasharn NP Honey Moon Cruz *B 5/$200
DesertNanny BH Hucklberry Blu 5/$150
Castle Rock Blackheart NA
Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B 5/$250
Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B 5/$200
Tua Farms MB I’m Gold N *B 5/$175
SG Stayawhile TV Newsworthy +*B 5/$350
SG Dill’s BJ Curiouser *B 5/$250
SG Minterbay HK Koji *B 5/$300
Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B 5/$300
Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B 5/$400
DesertNanny SS Mister Lincoln *B
Honey Goat TB Onyx 5/$150
Windy Gorge HJ Thats My Story 5/$150
Agape Oaks FC Miracle $35 per straw
Old Mountain Farm Stag Party NA
Old Mountain Farm M Bold N 5/$250
Mistwood PC Stag Wasted 5/100
Luv Lil Mtn He’s A shiner NA
Fields of Grace Mr. Fields NA
SG Rosasharn SH Guyku ++*B
Phoenix Farm Candyman NA
Woodbridge Farm PromisClasAct NA
Kyeema Ridge Triumph NA
Kyeema Ridge Astral Weeks NA
Hidden Palms L Blue Lotus NA
Stayawhile GN Oak N Shield *B 5/$175
DCP KS King's Gambit *B 5/$400
Stayawhile CR Riddle Me This *B NA
Stayawhile DCP GoPro Or GoHome *B NA
DCP FND New Sheriff In Town *B 5/$300
DCP FND Royal Flush *B 5/$300
Stayawhile Unrepeatable *B 5/$200
Minterbay H Calculated Risk 5/$175
Goat Addiction Ritz Cracker *B 5/$300 or 10/$575
Erinwood's Freebird
Amores Farm Milo
Proctor Hill AB Bayliner 5/$250
Heaven’s Hollow Majesty 5/$300
JDR Ranch CS Spots Gone Wild 5/$250
Poppy Patch HB Harry Winston 5/$200
Castle Rock Penny Dreadful 5/$300
Alethia JD Bachelor Party NA
Stayawhile FIN Camera Tech *B
Caprinos TMM Renegade 5$150
Castle Rock Rime NA
Onaqui BQ Sweet Release NA
Castle Rock Saraband NA
Olson Acres LVN Memories *B NA
Sugar Moon NS Alejandro *B NA
Springwater AL Wait That’s Me *B NA
Rosasharn NP Honey Moon Cruz *B 5/$200
DesertNanny BH Hucklberry Blu 5/$150
Castle Rock Blackheart NA
Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B 5/$250
Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B 5/$200
Tua Farms MB I’m Gold N *B 5/$175
SG Stayawhile TV Newsworthy +*B 5/$350
SG Dill’s BJ Curiouser *B 5/$250
SG Minterbay HK Koji *B 5/$300
Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B 5/$300
Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B 5/$400
DesertNanny SS Mister Lincoln *B
Honey Goat TB Onyx 5/$150
Windy Gorge HJ Thats My Story 5/$150
Agape Oaks FC Miracle $35 per straw
Old Mountain Farm Stag Party NA
Old Mountain Farm M Bold N 5/$250
Mistwood PC Stag Wasted 5/100
Luv Lil Mtn He’s A shiner NA
Fields of Grace Mr. Fields NA
SG Rosasharn SH Guyku ++*B
Phoenix Farm Candyman NA
Woodbridge Farm PromisClasAct NA
Kyeema Ridge Triumph NA
Kyeema Ridge Astral Weeks NA
Hidden Palms L Blue Lotus NA
Stayawhile GN Oak N Shield *B 5/$175
DCP KS King's Gambit *B 5/$400
Stayawhile CR Riddle Me This *B NA
Stayawhile DCP GoPro Or GoHome *B NA
DCP FND New Sheriff In Town *B 5/$300
DCP FND Royal Flush *B 5/$300
Stayawhile Unrepeatable *B 5/$200
Minterbay H Calculated Risk 5/$175
Goat Addiction Ritz Cracker *B 5/$300 or 10/$575
Erinwood's Freebird
Amores Farm Milo
1. Driveway Service:
Stayawhile Farm does on occasion offer "driveway" buck service, HOWEVER, we are only going to be offering DOE KID ONLY SERVICE MEMOS! Why do we do this? A significant amount of money has been spent not only on the purchase of some of our bucks, but also in shipping them to Washington, paying for CVIs and labs, DNA, biosecurity testing, and their care. When we spend $2500+ on a foundation buck, we are not going to offer $200 buck service and have the genetics that we've paid so much to bring to our herd undermined by local breeders getting a buckling for $200 that they can now use on their entire herd a few months after being born.
Driveway servicing requires that you keep track of when your doe is coming into heat so that you can bring her to be serviced by our buck for a same day mating. We do not offer overnight care or feeding due to concerns over biosecurity. I also work MWF from 3-9pm so service is not available during those times. If you choose to bring a doe for service, you will be given an ADGA service memo on the day that you bring your doe. All does brought to our farm must be in good health. Stayawhile Farm reserves the right to decline services at any time. If your doe does not settle with the first attempt at breeding, you can bring her back for a second attempt the next time she cycles to try again at no additional charge. PLEASE NOTE: only these listed bucks are available for buck service: Jawbreaker, Worth Watching, Dubyago, Nails and Literary Genius.
Buck service = $200.
If you do not have a buck, it does help to have a "buck rag" (a cloth that has been rubbed on a buck to collect their wonderfully stinky aroma). This rag is best kept in a tightly sealed jar or plastic bag. You can present it to your doe on a daily basis to see how she reacts. Flagging (vigorous tail wagging), mucous discharge, extra vocalizations, swollen and/or extra pink lady parts, riding other goats, or allowing herself to be ridden by other goats, are all signs that your doe is in heat. Does need to be in standing heat in order to be receptive to the buck. Please don't assume you can just hold your doe still and hope that she gets bred. Does can be in heat for anywhere from 12 hours (unusual) to two or three days, with heats much more obvious during the fall, though Nigerians are year-round breeders. They usually come into heat every 18 to 21 days, though some have shorter cycles; if you have a doe coming into heat every five to seven days, that is called "short-cycling" and seems to be caused by either mineral imbalance or ovarian cysts. When this is happening, it is quite unlikely that the doe will settle. FYI: Fat does are harder to get bred. Plan ahead.
NOTE: In order to be fertile, goats need to have a good mineral balance in their systems, with the two most important minerals for fertility being copper and selenium. At a minimum, your doe should have a free choice loose goat mineral available to consume at all times. We prefer Sweetlix Goat Minerals mixed with loose kelp. Our goats won't consume enough of the Purina Goat Mineral to make a difference in their systems. A sheep and goat mineral will not do as there will be no copper in it (toxic to sheep), but goats MUST have copper. Even with a loose mineral available to our goats 24/7, we have found the need to supplement with copper bolusing and BO-SE (a selenium/vitamin E shot) at least a couple of times a year. If your doe has a rough terrier-type texture to her coat, the likelihood of her settling is much lower, as this is a sign of mineral (usually copper) deficiency. It has been my experience that weak heats are also a sign of mineral deficiency, and that as the mineral balance gets better, their signs of heat get much stronger. Another way to judge if your doe is mineral deficient is to look at her tail. Does she have a "fish-tail?" Also, if you compare pictures of her from when she was a kid to how she looks as an adult- is she significantly lighter than she was as a kid? A lighter, rough coat is also a sign of deficiency. If your gold kid is white as a mature adult, or your black doe is turning reddish-brown, there is a really good chance that she needs some extra minerals before you bring your doe to be serviced.
1. Driveway Service:
Stayawhile Farm does on occasion offer "driveway" buck service, HOWEVER, we are only going to be offering DOE KID ONLY SERVICE MEMOS! Why do we do this? A significant amount of money has been spent not only on the purchase of some of our bucks, but also in shipping them to Washington, paying for CVIs and labs, DNA, biosecurity testing, and their care. When we spend $2500+ on a foundation buck, we are not going to offer $200 buck service and have the genetics that we've paid so much to bring to our herd undermined by local breeders getting a buckling for $200 that they can now use on their entire herd a few months after being born.
Driveway servicing requires that you keep track of when your doe is coming into heat so that you can bring her to be serviced by our buck for a same day mating. We do not offer overnight care or feeding due to concerns over biosecurity. I also work MWF from 3-9pm so service is not available during those times. If you choose to bring a doe for service, you will be given an ADGA service memo on the day that you bring your doe. All does brought to our farm must be in good health. Stayawhile Farm reserves the right to decline services at any time. If your doe does not settle with the first attempt at breeding, you can bring her back for a second attempt the next time she cycles to try again at no additional charge. PLEASE NOTE: only these listed bucks are available for buck service: Jawbreaker, Worth Watching, Dubyago, Nails and Literary Genius.
Buck service = $200.
If you do not have a buck, it does help to have a "buck rag" (a cloth that has been rubbed on a buck to collect their wonderfully stinky aroma). This rag is best kept in a tightly sealed jar or plastic bag. You can present it to your doe on a daily basis to see how she reacts. Flagging (vigorous tail wagging), mucous discharge, extra vocalizations, swollen and/or extra pink lady parts, riding other goats, or allowing herself to be ridden by other goats, are all signs that your doe is in heat. Does need to be in standing heat in order to be receptive to the buck. Please don't assume you can just hold your doe still and hope that she gets bred. Does can be in heat for anywhere from 12 hours (unusual) to two or three days, with heats much more obvious during the fall, though Nigerians are year-round breeders. They usually come into heat every 18 to 21 days, though some have shorter cycles; if you have a doe coming into heat every five to seven days, that is called "short-cycling" and seems to be caused by either mineral imbalance or ovarian cysts. When this is happening, it is quite unlikely that the doe will settle. FYI: Fat does are harder to get bred. Plan ahead.
NOTE: In order to be fertile, goats need to have a good mineral balance in their systems, with the two most important minerals for fertility being copper and selenium. At a minimum, your doe should have a free choice loose goat mineral available to consume at all times. We prefer Sweetlix Goat Minerals mixed with loose kelp. Our goats won't consume enough of the Purina Goat Mineral to make a difference in their systems. A sheep and goat mineral will not do as there will be no copper in it (toxic to sheep), but goats MUST have copper. Even with a loose mineral available to our goats 24/7, we have found the need to supplement with copper bolusing and BO-SE (a selenium/vitamin E shot) at least a couple of times a year. If your doe has a rough terrier-type texture to her coat, the likelihood of her settling is much lower, as this is a sign of mineral (usually copper) deficiency. It has been my experience that weak heats are also a sign of mineral deficiency, and that as the mineral balance gets better, their signs of heat get much stronger. Another way to judge if your doe is mineral deficient is to look at her tail. Does she have a "fish-tail?" Also, if you compare pictures of her from when she was a kid to how she looks as an adult- is she significantly lighter than she was as a kid? A lighter, rough coat is also a sign of deficiency. If your gold kid is white as a mature adult, or your black doe is turning reddish-brown, there is a really good chance that she needs some extra minerals before you bring your doe to be serviced.
DCP FND Royal Flush *B DOB: 2/09/21 Moon spots
DNA on file. Collected.
Sire: Agape's Prize Feliz Naughty Da
SS: Agape's Prize Axl Rose CQuinn SS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Scarlet Rose 1*M 2018 ADGA National Champion SD: Agape's Prize Ash Wednesday DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Keidan Quinn DD: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Merriment 3*M 2017 ADGA NATional Champion, Best Udder Dam: Aries KS Daddy's Lil Princess 3*M DS: SGCH Proctor Hill Farm Ka Kingspear *S+*B EEE92 SS: Dragonfly G Mighty King Asa *S SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks BW Giacomo Puccini +*S+B 'E' SD: Twin Creeks AH Chiaroscuro 3*D 'E' VEEE90 SD: SG AGS Proctor Hill Farm BO Mercedes VEEE90 DS: NC Promisedland RB Bolero *B DD: Dragonfly IH Jaguar DD: SG TX Twincreeks EN Waverly 2*M VEEV90 DS: SG TX Twincreeks E Edge Of Night DD: SGCH AGS Twin Creeks BW Fantasea 1*M |
DNA on file. Collected. Chocolate sundgau colored. DOB: 4/07/13 Height: 23.25 (unofficial)
Sire: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90
SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV 85 SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B , +*S "E" SS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb ++S "E" SD: Goodwood Water Lilly *D SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Unagi 3*D, 4*M "E" 91.5 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S, ++B, "E" DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Uni 3*D "E" SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D E90 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B , +*S SS: Stonewall's apocalypse Now SD: ARMCH Goodwood Water Lilly *D DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M, 2*D EEEV 91 (2005 AGS Nat'l CH) DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb ++S "E" DD: ARMCH Stonewall's Little Luli Dam: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (Nat'l Show CH milking Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B SS: ARMCH Rosasharn SW Sapporo +B , +*S EEE 91 SS: Doe-Sy-Doe's FS Storm Warning SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Unagi 4*D, E SD: ARMCH Rosasharn TL Almond Joy 5*M , VEEV 90 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S, ++B, "E" DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*D DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV 87 DS: Double Sundog ST Guinness SS: Double Sundog TH Saturday SD: GCH Piddlin Acres PB Gretel 1*M DD: GCH Sandy Hollow Mon Petit Chou 2*M DS: Sandy Hollow UK Hickory Oak +*B DD: Sandy Hollow SC Sugar N Spice 1*M |
Tivo is proving himself over and over. His daughter, SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 is a Top Performance Doe (4th in the Nation for milk volume, 7th in the Nation for butterfat, and 3rd in the Nation for protein), 3x Elite Doe, GCH/Best Udder at 2017 WA State Fair Nigerian Specialty, and 9x1st place wins. She is extremely consistent! He has 5 SG daughters and one SG son. His son, SG Stayawhile TV Newsworthy, already has 4 Superior Genetics daughters: 1. SG Stayawhile NW Southern Belle 3*M VEVV87 (88th percentile for production) 2. SG Stayawhile NW Military Brat 3*M (84th percentile for production) 3. SG Stayawhile NW Born and Raised 3*M VVEV87 (87th percentile for production) 4. SG Stayawhile NW S’thern Grace 3*M VEVE89 93rd percentile for production Show Record: 2014: Reserve CH SR Buck, 2x 2nd - NWABGC Show, Monroe |
SG ROSASHARN SH GUYKU +*B VEE90 *Leg DNA on file. Collected.

DOB: 5/11/11 Height: 22.25 inches at 4 years
* Littermate brother to the 2011 ADGA Spotlight buck that sold for $8700
* Son of the legendary CH Rosasharn P Haiku 5*D, 5*M who has the following wins in her impressive resume:
2010 ADGA National Champion SR Doe
2010 Top Ten ADGA does in Butterfat and Protein
2011 ADGA National Total Performer
2011 ADGA National Res. Best Udder
2011 ADGA Top Ten Milk, Butterfat, and Protein
I wanted to quick get a picture of Guyku as a mature buck up on our website rather than his buckling picture. This picture is from our Linear Appraisal so it's not the best, but you can still see his overall conformation. Wow, he is impressive! Thank you Ann Peterson for breeding this beautiful buck. We are thrilled to own him and have the chance to breed him to some of our does this fall.
Sire: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S
SS: Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D "E," 3*M EEEE 91 2007 AGS National Champion Doe & Best Udder 2010 ADGA National Reserve Champion Doe Dam: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M "E" 2010 ADGA National Champion Doe DS: Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's TL Unagi 4*D "E", 3*M 91.5 |
Show Results:
2015 - Best in Show NWABGC - Monroe, WA under Anna Thompson-Hajdik 2016 - 1st place 4 yo - Megabucks Show under Dan Greene 2017 - 2x 1st place 6yo; 1x 2nd - NWABGC Monroe, WA |
Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone "Toby"
DOB: 3/09/19 DNA on file. Collected.
Sire: CH Old Mountain Farm All Over It EEE91
SS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B SS: NC Promisedland Sayit Againsam *B SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Oliv A Suddon 3*M EEVV89 SD: CH Old Mountain Farm Natasha DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Black Tulip ++*B DD: Old Mountain Farm Eleanor RW 2*M Dam: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae 2*M VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon +*B VVE86 SS: Buttin'Heads Containerised *B EEE91 SD: Buttin'Heads Ambrosha 1*M VEEE90 DD: SGCH Prairie Wood PB Milky Way 1*M +VVE88 DS: GCH Prairie Wood Pinnacle Blues +B DD: Nizhoni's Gloria |
Stayawhile TB Jawbreaker *B DOB: 3/26/20 DNA on file
Sire: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B
SS: CH Old Mountain Farm All Over It EEE91 SS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B SS: NC Promisedland Sayit Againsam *B SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Oliv A Suddon 3*M EEVV89 SD: GCH Old Mountain Farm Natasha DS: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Black Tulip ++*B DD: Old Mountain Farm Eleanor RW 2*M SD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae 2*M VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon +*BVVE86 SS: Buttin'Heads Containerised *B EEE91 SD: Buttin'Heads Ambrosha 1*M VEEE90 DD: SGCH Prairie Wood PB Milky Way 1*M +VVE88 DS: GCH Prairie Wood Pinnacle Blues +B DD: Nizhoni's Gloria Dam: Stayawhile CR Gold Dust 5*M VVVV86 (ff score) DS: SG Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) DD: SG Four Cedars EB Julep 4*M |
Stayawhile CR Pulitzer *B "Pulitzer"
DOB: 3/09/18 DNA on file
Sire: SG Dills BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (at 1-03)
SS: SG Dill’s TS Banjo *B SS: Dill’s D Two-Step *B SS: Dill’s LD Derringer *S, +B SD: NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91 at 4-03 SD: Dill’s XM Keena EEEE92 at 5-02 DS: MI Sugarcreek TW Tune’s XM *S/+*B DD: Dill’s LD Remember +E+V86 at 7-04 SD: SG Dill’s KJ Misstery 1*D/1*M VEEE90 DS: Dill’s AC Katzenjammer *S SS: Promisedland HS Aristo Cat *S SD: Woodhaven Varms Ida One Tobeat 3*D DD: Flat Rocks Get A Clue DS: MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire DD: Flat Rocks Mystery Dam: Stayawhile TV Red Pixels 1*M VEEV88 DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV87 SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B*S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (2012 Natl Show CH Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV87 DD: Algedi Farm OR Andromeda 1*M DS: Alethia DJ Orion *B SS: CH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter EEE 91 *B*S SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 SD: CH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna VEVE90 DS: Copper Penny Royal Kaliber DD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 DD: CH Poppy Patch HB Lady in Red DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay *B*S SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay ++*B++*S SD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: CH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter EEE 91 *B*S DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 |
Stayawhile CR Notorious *B "Rio"
DOB: 2/10/18 Moonspotted.
Sire: SG Dills BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (at 1-03)
SS: SG Dill’s TS Banjo *B
SS: Dill’s D Two-Step *B
SS: Dill’s LD Derringer *S, +B
SD: NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91 at 4-03
SD: Dill’s XM Keena EEEE92 at 5-02
DS: MI Sugarcreek TW Tune’s XM *S/+*B
DD: Dill’s LD Remember +E+V86 at 7-04
SD: SG Dill’s KJ Misstery 1*D/1*M VEEE90
DS: Dill’s AC Katzenjammer *S
SS: Promisedland HS Aristo Cat *S
SD: Woodhaven Varms Ida One Tobeat 3*D
DD: Flat Rocks Get A Clue
DS: MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire
DD: Flat Rocks Mystery
Dam: KW Farms PS Maybellilne 1*M +VVV87
DS: Top Hat Farm D Power Stroke *B
SS: NC Promisedland Turbo Diesel +B
SS: NC Promisedland Paypal *S*B VVE88
SD: Artwood Acres GR Winnie
SD: SG Dill's TG Flapper Girl 1*M E91
DS: MCH Dill's LD Top Gun *S
DD: MCH/CH Promisedland C Betty Boop
4*D (2009 Top Ten BF & Prot)
DD: KW Farms TB B-Udder Scotch
DS: Rosasharn Tom's B-Udder Up
SS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S
(2x AGS Natl CH Buck)
SD: Stonewall's Baby 'Uddercup 2*D
DD: Foxmeadows Casiopia
DS: Tupence Matrix
DD: Mystic Acres Poppy
SS: SG Dill’s TS Banjo *B
SS: Dill’s D Two-Step *B
SS: Dill’s LD Derringer *S, +B
SD: NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91 at 4-03
SD: Dill’s XM Keena EEEE92 at 5-02
DS: MI Sugarcreek TW Tune’s XM *S/+*B
DD: Dill’s LD Remember +E+V86 at 7-04
SD: SG Dill’s KJ Misstery 1*D/1*M VEEE90
DS: Dill’s AC Katzenjammer *S
SS: Promisedland HS Aristo Cat *S
SD: Woodhaven Varms Ida One Tobeat 3*D
DD: Flat Rocks Get A Clue
DS: MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire
DD: Flat Rocks Mystery
Dam: KW Farms PS Maybellilne 1*M +VVV87
DS: Top Hat Farm D Power Stroke *B
SS: NC Promisedland Turbo Diesel +B
SS: NC Promisedland Paypal *S*B VVE88
SD: Artwood Acres GR Winnie
SD: SG Dill's TG Flapper Girl 1*M E91
DS: MCH Dill's LD Top Gun *S
DD: MCH/CH Promisedland C Betty Boop
4*D (2009 Top Ten BF & Prot)
DD: KW Farms TB B-Udder Scotch
DS: Rosasharn Tom's B-Udder Up
SS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S
(2x AGS Natl CH Buck)
SD: Stonewall's Baby 'Uddercup 2*D
DD: Foxmeadows Casiopia
DS: Tupence Matrix
DD: Mystic Acres Poppy
Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B "Walker"
DOB: 1/10/19 DNA on file. Collected Moonspotted
Sire: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89
SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever +B SS: Rosasharn Unique 4D Milk SD: QSF Xenia Chex SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M VVE+86 DS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rodgers *B VVE88 DD: Poppy Patch Almost An Angel Dam: SG Pholia Farm Moonlaced ByDesign 4*M (Elite) VEEV88 DS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby +*B SS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B VEE90 SD: SG NC Promisedland PAL Paloma 1*M VEEE90 DD: Pholia Farm DN Martha 3*M VEVV87 DS: GCH Pholia Farm CF Doenut +*B VEV88 DD: Pholia Farm RA Puzzle 2*M VEEE90 |
Stayawhile KJ Finale *B
DOB: 8/01/16 DNA on file.
Sire: Minterbay HK Koji *B
SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M Dam: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 Sire: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe Dam: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta |
Show wins:
2017: 3x GCH JR Buck NWABGC Monroe, WA |
Tua Farms MB I'm Gold N *B "GoldN" (Gold with moon spots)
DOB: 3/06/19 DNA on file. Collected.
Sire: Old Mountain Farm M Bold N +EV85 (1-04)
SS: Old Mountain Farm Sayomis *B VEE90 SS: Old Mountain Farm Party Animal SD: The Bombahook Acres HK Phoebe SD: Old Mountain Farm Fat Tuesday +VVV85 DS: Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk DD: Old Mountain Farm Anahita Dam: Camanna RA Uliana 1*M AEEV86 DS: Proctor Hill Farm Red Apollo *B SS: CH Proctor Hill Farm IH Omega Red *B VEE90 SD: SCGH Spring Fever Calista 1*M VEEE90 DD: Rosasharn GX Ulu VEVE89 DS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy ++*B VEE90 DD: SG Rosasharn's Uni 2*M EEEV90 |
DOB: 4/20/16 DNA on file. Collected.
Sire: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee *B
SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker 3*M VVEE90 DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb 2*M Dam: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 |
Stayawhile DPC GoPro Or GoHome *B "GoPro"
DOB: 2/24/19
Sire: Stayawhile FIN Dash Cam Pro*B
SS: Stayawhile KJ Finale*B SS: Minterbay HK Koji*B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta SD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 (4 yrs) 4x Elite List; 2018 TOP TEN List for all three categories DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86 SS: Algedi FArm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 ADGA National 1st dry yearling) DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa Dam: Minterbay HK Hope Solo 4*M VEVE89 DS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *+B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B +S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa DD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island SS: Honey Goat Easter Jackpot SS: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief *B *S SD: CH Honey Goat Domingo SD: CH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M DS: Poppy Patch Ready OR Not SS: Buttin'Heads Father Christmas SD: CH Poppy Patch Not Quite An Angel DD: CH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle 1*M |
Desertnanny SS Mister Lincoln *B VEV87 (1 yr) "Lincoln"
DOB: 1/24/2017 DNA on file. Collected.
S: Desertnanny LD Stainless Steel *B
SS: Desertnanny BBB Luck Dragon *S *B
SS: Desertnanny BR Blueberrybuckle *S *B
SD: GCH Desertnanny IM Wood Nymph 2*D 2*M AR
SD: GCH Desertnanny BR Floribunda 4*M AR 4*D VEEV88
DS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S +B V87
DD: Desertnanny Iced Rosebud 3*D 3*M
D: Desertnanny BE Lacey Finlandia 3*M AR
DS: Ironwoodranch AS Bree *S +B
SS: Rosasharn BB Aslan *S
SD: Ironwoodranch SJ Gingersnap 3*D 3*M
DD: SGCH MCH Desertnanny Icy Blue Skyy 2*M 3*D AR
DS: Twin Creeks Icy Hot++S ++B
DD: SG Esperanza RF La Madrina 2*D 1*M V89
SS: Desertnanny BBB Luck Dragon *S *B
SS: Desertnanny BR Blueberrybuckle *S *B
SD: GCH Desertnanny IM Wood Nymph 2*D 2*M AR
SD: GCH Desertnanny BR Floribunda 4*M AR 4*D VEEV88
DS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S +B V87
DD: Desertnanny Iced Rosebud 3*D 3*M
D: Desertnanny BE Lacey Finlandia 3*M AR
DS: Ironwoodranch AS Bree *S +B
SS: Rosasharn BB Aslan *S
SD: Ironwoodranch SJ Gingersnap 3*D 3*M
DD: SGCH MCH Desertnanny Icy Blue Skyy 2*M 3*D AR
DS: Twin Creeks Icy Hot++S ++B
DD: SG Esperanza RF La Madrina 2*D 1*M V89
Stayawhile FIN Dash Cam Pro
DOB: 4/12/18
Sire: Stayawhile KJ Finale
SS: Minterbay HK Koji SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 (4 yrs) 3x Elite List; 2018 TOP TEN List for all three categories DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86 SS: Algedi FArm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 ADGA National 1st dry yearling) DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa |
Dash is the son of our TOP TEN Performance doe! He has amazing production genetics on both sides of his pedigree and he should boost production in his kids along with length of body.
Stayawhile CR I Got Your Black *B
DOB: 2/06/18 DNA on file.
Sire: Dills BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (at 1-03)
SS: SG Dill’s TS Banjo *B SS: Dill’s D Two-Step *B SS: Dill’s LD Derringer *S, +B SD: NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91 at 4-03 SD: Dill’s XM Keena EEEE92 at 5-02 DS: MI Sugarcreek TW Tune’s XM *S/+*B DD: Dill’s LD Remember +E+V86 at 7-04 SD: SG Dill’s KJ Misstery 1*D/1*M VEEE90 DS: Dill’s AC Katzenjammer *S SS: Promisedland HS Aristo Cat *S SD: Woodhaven Varms Ida One Tobeat 3*D DD: Flat Rocks Get A Clue DS: MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire DD: Flat Rocks Mystery Dam: Rosasharn RS B-Licious VE++86 5*M DS: Rosasharn GX Ringo Star *B SS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy *S, ++B, VEE SD: ARMCH Rosasharn UMT Even' Star 9*D, 9*M DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's UMT Honey Bee 4*D, 5*M DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*S, E DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M EEEE 91 (2007 AGS Nat'l CH Doe and Best Udder) (2010 ADGA Nat'l Reserve CH Doe) |

DOB: 2/15/12 DNA on file. Collected.
Onyx brings extreme length and open ribbing as well as good width through the rear. Now that I've seen some of his kids as mature goats, I'm wishing I had used him more a couple of years ago and kept a doeling or two out of him. Update: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how his daughters are looking now that they're freshening and the daughters that were born this year out of him are looking awesome.
Onyx brings extreme length and open ribbing as well as good width through the rear. Now that I've seen some of his kids as mature goats, I'm wishing I had used him more a couple of years ago and kept a doeling or two out of him. Update: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how his daughters are looking now that they're freshening and the daughters that were born this year out of him are looking awesome.
Sire: Rosasharn TL Thunderbird
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S ++B SS: Stonewall's Apocalype Now SD: ARMCH Goodwood Water Lilly 2*D, 1*M 2000 AGS Natl CH Doe SD: Rosasharn M Leyenda DS: Rosasharn FS Merlin SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks WB Fire Storm SD: Rosasharn's UK Witch Hazel DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Guadalupe Moteada VEEV 90 DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb DD: Stonewall's Baby 'Uddercup Dam: Honey Goat Abbondanza DS: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief *S *B SS: Rosasharn HNC Uproar *S ++*B VEE87 SS: Rosasharn UR Honey Nut cheerio *S 86 SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Uni 3*D/ 2*M E SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-a-Lilly 4*D/ 2*M EEE+88 DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S (1997 & 2000 AGS BOB) DD: ARMCH Goodwood Water Lilly 2*D,1*M (2000 AGS Natl CH) DD: CornerStone Farm Terea DS: CornerStone Farm STS Mark SS: ARMCH Caesar's Villa CBS Stetson SD: CornerStone Farm Lydia 2*D DD: Gay-Mor's RA Midge 4*D DS: Stonewall's Raising Arizona DD: Gay-Mor Kneehi Toa Grasshopper 3*D **See H31 |
Stayawhile CC Southern Ghost *B - reference buck
DOB: 3/15/18 DNA on file.
Sire: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B
SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm VEVE89 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe) DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+88 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio DD: The Daphne Delite |
Stayawhile HB Seto Blue
DOB: 2/28/17
Sire: Desertnanny BH Huckleberry Blu
SS: Desertnanny BBB Blue Haboob *B SS: Desertnanny BR Blueberrybuckle *B*S SS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S+B VVV87 SD: Desertnanny Icy Bluetailfly 3*D,3*M VEEV88 SD: Desertnanny UMA Amber Rose 4*M DS: DF Farms um Ursa Major +B DD: Desertnanny Iced Rosebud 3*M SD: Desertnanny BE Woodland Fawn DS: Ironwoodranch AS Bree +B SS: Rosasharn BB Aslan *B ++E84 SD: Ironwoodranch SJ Gingersnap 3*M +VEV86 DD: GCH Desertnanny IM Wood Nymph 2*M, 2*D DS: Desertanny Icy Blue Ice Man *S +*B DD: Desertnanny BR Sun's Journey *D, 1*M Dam: SG Stayawhile GK Kaori VVVV86 (FF score) DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE90 DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 |
Stayawhile TZ Momentum *B
DOB: 3/14/17 DNA on file
Sire: Stayawhile NW Time Zone *B
SS: Stayawhile TV Newsworthy SS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV 86 (at 1 year) SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (2011 ADGA Nat'l CH Dry Yearling) SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 DD: Hidden Gems PSC Flower SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV 87 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker SD: MCH SCF Blessing DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B EX 90 DD: WGF Rosie *D Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm EVV+87 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe) DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+88 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio DD: The Daphne Delite |
Dill’s BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 @1-03
3 First Freshening daughters made the 2017 ADGA Elite Doe List for milk production!
S: SG Dill’s TS Banjo *B
SS: Dill’s D Two-Step *B SSS: Dill’s LD Derringer *S, +B SSD: NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91 at 4-03 SD: Dill’s XM Keena EEEE92 at 5-02 SDS: MI Sugarcreek TW Tune’s XM *S/+*B SDD: Dill’s LD Remember +E+V86 at 7-04 D: SG Dill’s KJ Misstery 1*D/1*M VEEE90 DS: Dill’s AC Katzenjammer *S DSS: Promisedland HS Aristo Cat *S DSD: Woodhaven Varms Ida One Tobeat 3*D DD: Flat Rocks Get A Clue DSS: MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire DDD: Flat Rocks Mystery |
Semen available 5 straws/$175

DOB: 3/18/16
Sire: Desertnanny BBB Blue Haboob *B
SS: Desertnanny BR Blueberrybuckle *B*S
SS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S+B VVV87
SD: Desertnanny Icy Bluetailfly 3*D,3*M VEEV88
SD: Desertnanny UMA Amber Rose 4*M
DS: DF Farms um Ursa Major +B
DD: Desertnanny Iced Rosebud 3*M
Dam: Desertnanny BE Woodland Fawn
DS: Ironwoodranch AS Bree +B
SS: Rosasharn BB Aslan *B ++E84
SD: Ironwoodranch SJ Gingersnap 3*M +VEV86
DD: GCH Desertnanny IM Wood Nymph 2*M, 2*D
DS: Desertanny Icy Blue Ice Man *S +*B
DD: Desertnanny BR Sun's Journey *D, 1*M
Sire: Desertnanny BBB Blue Haboob *B
SS: Desertnanny BR Blueberrybuckle *B*S
SS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S+B VVV87
SD: Desertnanny Icy Bluetailfly 3*D,3*M VEEV88
SD: Desertnanny UMA Amber Rose 4*M
DS: DF Farms um Ursa Major +B
DD: Desertnanny Iced Rosebud 3*M
Dam: Desertnanny BE Woodland Fawn
DS: Ironwoodranch AS Bree +B
SS: Rosasharn BB Aslan *B ++E84
SD: Ironwoodranch SJ Gingersnap 3*M +VEV86
DD: GCH Desertnanny IM Wood Nymph 2*M, 2*D
DS: Desertanny Icy Blue Ice Man *S +*B
DD: Desertnanny BR Sun's Journey *D, 1*M

DOB: 3/15/13 Height: 23.25 inches at 3 years
Cruz is out of Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B who scored VVV 88 last year. His dam is Rosasharn BB Honey Moon 4*D, 4*M who resides in the Rosasharn herd and has an impressive udder behind her. His granddam, Buckwheat Honey, has consistently passed on her beautiful form and udder production and we're hoping Cruz continues the trend out here on the west coast. Thank you Ann Peterson for breeding another beautiful young buck! His first kids have arrived at our farm. Guess what! He's throwing moonspots! What a nice surprise to have some flashy color with great conformation.
His granddaughter, Stayawhile GK Miyoki, took ResGCH Jr Doe at the 2016 WA State Fair with over 72 entries beating out the $16,000 Colorama doe kid from Woodbridge Farm.
DOB: 3/15/13 Height: 23.25 inches at 3 years
Cruz is out of Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B who scored VVV 88 last year. His dam is Rosasharn BB Honey Moon 4*D, 4*M who resides in the Rosasharn herd and has an impressive udder behind her. His granddam, Buckwheat Honey, has consistently passed on her beautiful form and udder production and we're hoping Cruz continues the trend out here on the west coast. Thank you Ann Peterson for breeding another beautiful young buck! His first kids have arrived at our farm. Guess what! He's throwing moonspots! What a nice surprise to have some flashy color with great conformation.
His granddaughter, Stayawhile GK Miyoki, took ResGCH Jr Doe at the 2016 WA State Fair with over 72 entries beating out the $16,000 Colorama doe kid from Woodbridge Farm.
Sire: Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B VVV88
SS: Rosasharn AL's Astrix*B VEE89 SD: GCH Rosasharn TL Queen Bee 5*M Dam: Rosasharn BB Honey Moon 4 *M VEV+84 DS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *B VEE89 DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91 (2007 AGS Nat'l CH Doe and Best Udder) (2010 ADGA Nat'l Reserve CH Doe) |

This buck is very correct under all that hair with a lovely topline and nice rear angulation and leg set. I love the fact that he is smaller in stature and consistently throws beautiful kids. He has a really nice and open rear stance. His first daughter is on the ground and looks amazing...took GCH in her first show out and then 1st place senior kid at the 2015 ADGA Nationals! So far, he is producing lots of doelings for us that are very correct and dairy. Update: Newsworthy injured his knee and shoulder in February 2015. The injury has healed, however, he can no longer be shown. The injury does NOT effect his ability to produce outstanding kids but does effect his front end assembly and his LA score. Update: Newsworthy's kids did spectacular at the 2015 ADGA National Show. Belle took 1st place Sr. Kid and Millie took 7th place Jr. Kid. Tessa took 4th place Sr kid out of huge class at WA State Fair 2016.
This buck is very correct under all that hair with a lovely topline and nice rear angulation and leg set. I love the fact that he is smaller in stature and consistently throws beautiful kids. He has a really nice and open rear stance. His first daughter is on the ground and looks amazing...took GCH in her first show out and then 1st place senior kid at the 2015 ADGA Nationals! So far, he is producing lots of doelings for us that are very correct and dairy. Update: Newsworthy injured his knee and shoulder in February 2015. The injury has healed, however, he can no longer be shown. The injury does NOT effect his ability to produce outstanding kids but does effect his front end assembly and his LA score. Update: Newsworthy's kids did spectacular at the 2015 ADGA National Show. Belle took 1st place Sr. Kid and Millie took 7th place Jr. Kid. Tessa took 4th place Sr kid out of huge class at WA State Fair 2016.
Sire: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86
SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck +*B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B*S VVV85 SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Unagi 3*D, 4*M E 91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2011 ADGA Nat'l CH Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV 87 Dam: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH) DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta |
Show Record:
2014: 2 x GCH JR Buck, 1 x 1st - NWABGC Show, Monroe Progeny Stayawhile NW Southern Belle 2015 ADGA Natl 1st place Sr Kid Stayawhile NW Born and Raised Stayawhile NW Military Brat 2015 ADGA Natl 7th place Jr Kid Stayawhile NW Photogenic Stayawhile NW Biscotti diPrato Stayawhile NW Compass Rose Stayawhile NW Contessa 4th (out of 22) Sr kid 2016 WA State Fair Stayawhile NW Eclair Stayawhile NW Prosperity |
Windy Gorge HJ Thats My Story

DOB: 4/21/16
Sire: CH Almar Acres O Leroy Jethro *B VVE88
SS: Rosasharn GF Oba VEV87
SSS: Rosasharn TL Golden Flicker A+V80
SSD: Rosasharn WT B-Na VEEV88
SD: SGCH Castle Rock Angelika 3*M VVEE91
SDS: SG Castle Rock Cleveland Sage +*B ('15 Elite Buck List)
SDD: Castle Rock Annika 2*M VVEV87
Dam: Windy Gorge The Dance VVVV86 @ 1yr
DS: Camanna RM Stellar Moon Night
DSS: Pholia Farm SMRD Reliance Moon
DSD: Camanna CS Chocolate Chacha 1*M +VV+85 @7yrs
DD: Calico Creek Eve's Pecan Mocha ++AV82
DDS: Old Mountain Farm Ibex
DDD: Pecan Hollow Evening Waltz
Sire: CH Almar Acres O Leroy Jethro *B VVE88
SS: Rosasharn GF Oba VEV87
SSS: Rosasharn TL Golden Flicker A+V80
SSD: Rosasharn WT B-Na VEEV88
SD: SGCH Castle Rock Angelika 3*M VVEE91
SDS: SG Castle Rock Cleveland Sage +*B ('15 Elite Buck List)
SDD: Castle Rock Annika 2*M VVEV87
Dam: Windy Gorge The Dance VVVV86 @ 1yr
DS: Camanna RM Stellar Moon Night
DSS: Pholia Farm SMRD Reliance Moon
DSD: Camanna CS Chocolate Chacha 1*M +VV+85 @7yrs
DD: Calico Creek Eve's Pecan Mocha ++AV82
DDS: Old Mountain Farm Ibex
DDD: Pecan Hollow Evening Waltz
Minterbay HK Koji Semen available 5 straws/$175
Koji is a Guyku grandson out of a beautiful FF doe at Minterbay Dairy Goats. He brings that correct structural conformation that we expect along with some flashy color and blue eyes. When I saw his dam's nice udder and the production records behind her dam's genetic lines, I knew he would work well to line breed back to some of my Guyku or Newsworthy kids. Koji's first kids have arrived and they are looking amazing. Love their overall balance combining strength with refinement.
Sire: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B
SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90
SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S
SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M "E"
2010 ADGA Natl CH SR Doe
SD: SG Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87
DS: VOB Blessy's Joker
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
Dam: Minterbay EI Ellipse
DS: Minterbay Easter Island
SS: Honey Goat Easter Jackpot
SD: GCH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle 1*M
2013 ADGA Top Ten Doe (#4 production, #3 in BF, #2 in protein)
DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M
DS: Poppy Patch FC Ready Or Not
DD: GCH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle 1*M
2013 ADGA Top Ten Doe (#4 production, #3 in BF, #2 in protein)
**see H 38
SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90
SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S
SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M "E"
2010 ADGA Natl CH SR Doe
SD: SG Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87
DS: VOB Blessy's Joker
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
Dam: Minterbay EI Ellipse
DS: Minterbay Easter Island
SS: Honey Goat Easter Jackpot
SD: GCH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle 1*M
2013 ADGA Top Ten Doe (#4 production, #3 in BF, #2 in protein)
DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M
DS: Poppy Patch FC Ready Or Not
DD: GCH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle 1*M
2013 ADGA Top Ten Doe (#4 production, #3 in BF, #2 in protein)
**see H 38

Rosasharn GX Ringo Star *B is the sire of our doe,
Rosasharn GS B-Licious. His picture is here for reference courtesy of Anne Peterson at Rosasharn Farm. According to Anne, he is very correct and has a similar body style to his dam, ARMCH Rosasharn Even' Star 9*D, and passes on that lovely udder and nice level rump from his sire.
Rosasharn GS B-Licious. His picture is here for reference courtesy of Anne Peterson at Rosasharn Farm. According to Anne, he is very correct and has a similar body style to his dam, ARMCH Rosasharn Even' Star 9*D, and passes on that lovely udder and nice level rump from his sire.

Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B is the sire of our buck, Rosasharn NP Honeymoon Cruz *B. His picture is here for reference courtesy of Anne Peterson at Rosasharn Farm.
Stayawhile HC Vintage Cruzer - Sold. Thanks Tamera
DOB: 7/11/15
This young solid gold buck is so LEVEL both on the move and when standing still. He is very well balanced and has a great personality to boot. His dam freshened with a beautiful socked on udder.
This young solid gold buck is so LEVEL both on the move and when standing still. He is very well balanced and has a great personality to boot. His dam freshened with a beautiful socked on udder.
Sire: Rosasharn NP Honey Moon Cruz *B VVE87
SS: Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B
SS: Rosasharn Al's Astrix
SD: GCH Rosasharn TL Queen Bee 5*M
SD: Rosasharn BB Honey Moon 4*M
DS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *B
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91
2007 AGS Nat'l CH Doe and Best Udder
2010 ADGA Nat'l Res CH Doe
Dam: Stayawhile FB Blue Angel
DS: Honey Goat Azure Firebird
SS: Rosasharn TL Thunderbird
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S, *B
SD: Rosasharn M Leyenda
SD: Honey Goat Snowy River
DS: Honey Goat Mt Carmel
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
DD: Stayawhile Peach Pie
DS: Capriola BSS Blue Akela
SS: SquawMountain Bluesummerstorm
SD: Rosasharn SS Naughty Lilly
DD: Poppy Patch RC Norma Jeane
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause
DD: Poppy Patch FM Marilyn Monroe
SS: Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B
SS: Rosasharn Al's Astrix
SD: GCH Rosasharn TL Queen Bee 5*M
SD: Rosasharn BB Honey Moon 4*M
DS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *B
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91
2007 AGS Nat'l CH Doe and Best Udder
2010 ADGA Nat'l Res CH Doe
Dam: Stayawhile FB Blue Angel
DS: Honey Goat Azure Firebird
SS: Rosasharn TL Thunderbird
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S, *B
SD: Rosasharn M Leyenda
SD: Honey Goat Snowy River
DS: Honey Goat Mt Carmel
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
DD: Stayawhile Peach Pie
DS: Capriola BSS Blue Akela
SS: SquawMountain Bluesummerstorm
SD: Rosasharn SS Naughty Lilly
DD: Poppy Patch RC Norma Jeane
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause
DD: Poppy Patch FM Marilyn Monroe
"Blacksmith" Sold. Thanks Angela

DOB: 5/11/2011
Height: 24.5 inches
Blacksmith is our big boy. He is a powerful buck with great angulation, level topline, tight shoulders and nice rear width. His daughters from last year are beautiful and are doing well in the show ring. All of his kids so far have been very correct. See Mica (LA: VVV+85 as a FF) and Jersey (LA: VVEcV) on our doe page. Mica already has her junior leg.
His 1/2 sister, GCH Poppy Patch CB Blueberry Parfait resides in the Camanna herd. Check her out. She's beautiful.
Sire: Rosasharn GX Cadbury
SS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy *++B, *S EEE 90
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M/2*D 2005 AGS Natl Champ
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*M/4*D E
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb ++B+*S
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M/3*D EEEE (91)
2007 AGS Natl Champ & 2010 Best Udder
Dam: Poppy Patch RC Cherish
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause *B *S
SS: Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++B E
SD: GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 1*M EEEE (92)
DD: Esperanza ZZ Charity
DS: Ponders End ZZ Top
DD: Esperanza Evening Primrose
DOB: 5/11/2011
Height: 24.5 inches
Blacksmith is our big boy. He is a powerful buck with great angulation, level topline, tight shoulders and nice rear width. His daughters from last year are beautiful and are doing well in the show ring. All of his kids so far have been very correct. See Mica (LA: VVV+85 as a FF) and Jersey (LA: VVEcV) on our doe page. Mica already has her junior leg.
His 1/2 sister, GCH Poppy Patch CB Blueberry Parfait resides in the Camanna herd. Check her out. She's beautiful.
Sire: Rosasharn GX Cadbury
SS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy *++B, *S EEE 90
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M/2*D 2005 AGS Natl Champ
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*M/4*D E
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb ++B+*S
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M/3*D EEEE (91)
2007 AGS Natl Champ & 2010 Best Udder
Dam: Poppy Patch RC Cherish
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause *B *S
SS: Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++B E
SD: GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 1*M EEEE (92)
DD: Esperanza ZZ Charity
DS: Ponders End ZZ Top
DD: Esperanza Evening Primrose
"Duped" Sold. Thanks Angela.
LA: +VV 83 (at 1 year)

DOB: 3/06/2013
We wanted an outcross buck that would pair nicely with our does. We also wanted a buck that would stay way under the height limit. Our newest arrival is just that. He brings to our herd the genetics from some of my favorites herds such as Promisedland, Sugarcreek, Twin Creeks, Gay-Mor, and Flat Rocks all wrapped up in one package. Check out his pedigree. It speaks for itself. The pictures of him aren't the best. He arrived skittish and unfortunately, has stayed skittish. We have tried working with him in hopes of getting him in the show ring, however, he hates to be handled with a passion. He is not at all mean or aggressive-just hates to be caught and led. His kids have started arriving, and they are looking very nice.
Sire: Proctor Hill NP Code Blue
SS: Proctor Hill Farm Nels Prodigy *S *B
SS: NC Promisedland RB Bolero *S
SS: NC Promisedland Ram-Beau *S *B
SD: SGCH NC Promisedland Pal Macarena *5*M 5*D E91
SD: Sugar Creek MT Nellie 3*D 1*M AR1673
DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis ++B, +S 90
DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1542
SD: MI Sugarcreek YO Blue Yonder
DS: Spring Run Haiku's Yoshi
SS: MCH Enchanted Hill Haiku (21.5 inches)
SS: Enchanted Hill O'Leary +S
SD: Enchanted Hill Lyric
SD: Springs Run Mae Flower
DS: Gay-Mor Tut's Lifesaver *S
DD: Wooly Dog Down Lemondrop "E"
DD: MI Sugarcreek WK Xerces Blue
DS: MI Sugarcreek VL Tunes Walkman *B *S
SS: MI Sugarcreek NT Valor *S *B
SS: Sugarcreek MT Sally's Nate *S
SS: MCH Gay-Mor's Domino's Mantis ++B, +S 90
SD: WGF Sally 2*D AR 1542
SD: ARMCH Sugarcreeks SS Silhoutee 6*D E AR1857
SD: ARMCH/GCH Sugar Creeks PT Show Tunes 1*M EEEE91
DD: GCH Sugar Creek's FR Sand Flea 2*M
DS: Caesar's Vill FZ First Rate
DD: Gay-Mor's RA MayFly 1*M
Dam: Dragonfly IH Araya Hope
DS: NC Promisedland Incredible Hulk +*S
SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw +*S E
DD: MCH Gay-Mor's RA Nightowl
DD: Valley View Roanoak
DS: OTR Merlin's Gold Ingot
DD: Flat Rocks Yes Virginia
DS: Flat Rocks Count Your Blessings
DD: MCH Flat Rocks Surprise
DOB: 3/06/2013
We wanted an outcross buck that would pair nicely with our does. We also wanted a buck that would stay way under the height limit. Our newest arrival is just that. He brings to our herd the genetics from some of my favorites herds such as Promisedland, Sugarcreek, Twin Creeks, Gay-Mor, and Flat Rocks all wrapped up in one package. Check out his pedigree. It speaks for itself. The pictures of him aren't the best. He arrived skittish and unfortunately, has stayed skittish. We have tried working with him in hopes of getting him in the show ring, however, he hates to be handled with a passion. He is not at all mean or aggressive-just hates to be caught and led. His kids have started arriving, and they are looking very nice.
Sire: Proctor Hill NP Code Blue
SS: Proctor Hill Farm Nels Prodigy *S *B
SS: NC Promisedland RB Bolero *S
SS: NC Promisedland Ram-Beau *S *B
SD: SGCH NC Promisedland Pal Macarena *5*M 5*D E91
SD: Sugar Creek MT Nellie 3*D 1*M AR1673
DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis ++B, +S 90
DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1542
SD: MI Sugarcreek YO Blue Yonder
DS: Spring Run Haiku's Yoshi
SS: MCH Enchanted Hill Haiku (21.5 inches)
SS: Enchanted Hill O'Leary +S
SD: Enchanted Hill Lyric
SD: Springs Run Mae Flower
DS: Gay-Mor Tut's Lifesaver *S
DD: Wooly Dog Down Lemondrop "E"
DD: MI Sugarcreek WK Xerces Blue
DS: MI Sugarcreek VL Tunes Walkman *B *S
SS: MI Sugarcreek NT Valor *S *B
SS: Sugarcreek MT Sally's Nate *S
SS: MCH Gay-Mor's Domino's Mantis ++B, +S 90
SD: WGF Sally 2*D AR 1542
SD: ARMCH Sugarcreeks SS Silhoutee 6*D E AR1857
SD: ARMCH/GCH Sugar Creeks PT Show Tunes 1*M EEEE91
DD: GCH Sugar Creek's FR Sand Flea 2*M
DS: Caesar's Vill FZ First Rate
DD: Gay-Mor's RA MayFly 1*M
Dam: Dragonfly IH Araya Hope
DS: NC Promisedland Incredible Hulk +*S
SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks LS Luck of the Draw +*S E
DD: MCH Gay-Mor's RA Nightowl
DD: Valley View Roanoak
DS: OTR Merlin's Gold Ingot
DD: Flat Rocks Yes Virginia
DS: Flat Rocks Count Your Blessings
DD: MCH Flat Rocks Surprise

DOB: 2/20/13
Beautiful gold buck with white belt. Long legged with long body. Great rear. Solid pedigree with lots of consistent gorgeous udders behind this young buck.
Sire: Poppy Patch BR Ladies' Man
SS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rogers
SS: Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey
SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M
SD: CH Poppy Patch HB Lady In Red
DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay
DD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey
Dam: Poppy Patch RC Kitty Foyle
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause *S
SS: MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++*S E
SD: MCH GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D, 1*M EEEE 92
DD: Poppy Patch FM Ginger Rogers
DS: Ponders End The Full Monty
DD: Sugar Creek's PG Jane Seymour
DOB: 2/20/13
Beautiful gold buck with white belt. Long legged with long body. Great rear. Solid pedigree with lots of consistent gorgeous udders behind this young buck.
Sire: Poppy Patch BR Ladies' Man
SS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rogers
SS: Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey
SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M
SD: CH Poppy Patch HB Lady In Red
DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay
DD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey
Dam: Poppy Patch RC Kitty Foyle
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause *S
SS: MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++*S E
SD: MCH GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D, 1*M EEEE 92
DD: Poppy Patch FM Ginger Rogers
DS: Ponders End The Full Monty
DD: Sugar Creek's PG Jane Seymour
"Blue" Sold

DOB: 5/22/13
This little blue-eyed buckling now resides in southern CA with Almond Blossom Ranch Dairy Goats. He is very long and level with good rear angulation and nice straight front legs. His pedigree packs a punch. His first kids have arrived are are looking very good--nice tight shoulders and wide & level from thurl to thurl.
Sire: Poppy Patch BR Polar Bear
SS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rogers
SS: Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey *S
SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay +*S
SD: CH Rosasharn UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE, 3x BDIS (91)
SD: CH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D (E90)
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M/ 2*D 2005 AGS Natl CH EEEV91
SD: Poppy Patch RC Norma Jeane
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause *B
SS: Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++B
SD: MCH, GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D, 1*M EEEE (92)
DD: Poppy Patch FM Marilyn Monroe
DS: Ponders End The Full Monty
DD: Sugar Creek's PG Jane Seymour
Dam: Poppy Patch HB Coco Chanel
DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay *S
SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay ++S, ++*B
SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++S, ++*B
SD: MCH, GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D, 1*M EEEE (92)
SD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE 91
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*S "E"
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M EEEE 91
2007 AGS Natl CH Sr Doe & Best Udder
2010 ADGA Natl Reserve CH Sr Doe
DD: Poppy Patch Notorious N Blonde
DS: Rosasharn GX Cadbury *B
SS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy ++B, *S EEE 90
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*D, 4*M VEV+86
DD: Poppy Patch Lil Miss Sunshine
DS: Ponders End The Full Monty
DD: MCH Twin Creeks BW Shining Sand
DOB: 5/22/13
This little blue-eyed buckling now resides in southern CA with Almond Blossom Ranch Dairy Goats. He is very long and level with good rear angulation and nice straight front legs. His pedigree packs a punch. His first kids have arrived are are looking very good--nice tight shoulders and wide & level from thurl to thurl.
Sire: Poppy Patch BR Polar Bear
SS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rogers
SS: Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey *S
SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay +*S
SD: CH Rosasharn UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE, 3x BDIS (91)
SD: CH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D (E90)
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M/ 2*D 2005 AGS Natl CH EEEV91
SD: Poppy Patch RC Norma Jeane
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause *B
SS: Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++B
SD: MCH, GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D, 1*M EEEE (92)
DD: Poppy Patch FM Marilyn Monroe
DS: Ponders End The Full Monty
DD: Sugar Creek's PG Jane Seymour
Dam: Poppy Patch HB Coco Chanel
DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay *S
SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay ++S, ++*B
SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++S, ++*B
SD: MCH, GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D, 1*M EEEE (92)
SD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE 91
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*S "E"
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M EEEE 91
2007 AGS Natl CH Sr Doe & Best Udder
2010 ADGA Natl Reserve CH Sr Doe
DD: Poppy Patch Notorious N Blonde
DS: Rosasharn GX Cadbury *B
SS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy ++B, *S EEE 90
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*D, 4*M VEV+86
DD: Poppy Patch Lil Miss Sunshine
DS: Ponders End The Full Monty
DD: MCH Twin Creeks BW Shining Sand
ALGEDI FARM SS CAPTAIN KID LA: VEE 88 as a 1 yo (Photo courtesy Algedi Farm)

CK is a beautiful buckskin buck that is here for reference. He is owned by Toaheedliinii Farm. He is the sire of two of our young does, Stayawhile CK Kid Magnet and Stayawhile CK Kid Genius.
Sire: The Rosasharn's TL Sitka Spruce +*B/*S
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S/ ++B
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's UMT Sassafras 5*D E
Dam: CH Algedi Farm DJ Splash O'Honey LA VVEE 90
DS: Alged Farm Drops of Jupiter VEE 90
DD: CH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE, 3xBDIS (E91)
Sire: The Rosasharn's TL Sitka Spruce +*B/*S
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S/ ++B
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's UMT Sassafras 5*D E
Dam: CH Algedi Farm DJ Splash O'Honey LA VVEE 90
DS: Alged Farm Drops of Jupiter VEE 90
DD: CH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE, 3xBDIS (E91)
ALETHIA DJ EYE OF JUPITER (photo courtesy of Toaheedliini Farm)

Alethia DJ Eye of Jupiter
Jupiter is a young up-and-coming buck. He is owned by Toaheedliinii Farm. He is the sire of our doe, Stayawhile EJ Eye Candy. See doe page.
Sire: CH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter EEE 91 *B *S
SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV 85
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B , +*S "E"
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Unagi 3*D, 4*M "E" 91.5
SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D E90
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M/ 2*D 2005 AGS Natl CH EEEV91
Dam: Alethia CTO Eye of the Sky
DS: Rosasharn BB Cento +*B
SS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *S
SD: SG CH Rosasharn P Haiku 5*D/ 4*M 2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe
DD: CH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna E90
DS: Copper Penny Royal Kaliber
DD: SG GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M /3*D E90
Sire: CH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter EEE 91 *B *S
SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV 85
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B , +*S "E"
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Unagi 3*D, 4*M "E" 91.5
SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D E90
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M/ 2*D 2005 AGS Natl CH EEEV91
Dam: Alethia CTO Eye of the Sky
DS: Rosasharn BB Cento +*B
SS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *S
SD: SG CH Rosasharn P Haiku 5*D/ 4*M 2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe
DD: CH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna E90
DS: Copper Penny Royal Kaliber
DD: SG GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M /3*D E90
ALETHIA JD BACHELOR PARTY VEE 87 (photo courtesy of Bellafire Farm)

Alethia JD Bachelor Party *B
BP is a young buck owned by Bellafire Farm. He is the sire of our doe, Bellafire BP Winter Wedding. See doe page.
Sire: Alethia CTO Just Dew It *B
SS: Rosasharn BB Cento *B
SD: SGCH/MCH Algedi Farm DJ Honey Dew EEEE 91
Dam: GCH Buttin' Heads Wedding Proposal 2*M V+EV 88 (FF score)
DS: Velvet Acres Profiterole
DD: GCH/ARMCH Buttin' Heads Wedding Song 1*M EEEE 91
Sire: Alethia CTO Just Dew It *B
SS: Rosasharn BB Cento *B
SD: SGCH/MCH Algedi Farm DJ Honey Dew EEEE 91
Dam: GCH Buttin' Heads Wedding Proposal 2*M V+EV 88 (FF score)
DS: Velvet Acres Profiterole
DD: GCH/ARMCH Buttin' Heads Wedding Song 1*M EEEE 91

DOB: 7/13/2011
Bear is a pure white broken buckskin and the product of two wonderful lines. He has the looks and the pedigree to match. He is super long throughout, dairy, and angular. His sire gave him nice, tight shoulders and a good leg set. His dam has an beautiful udder with great attachments all around. With his blue eyes, he’s already turning many heads. We expect great things to come with this guy’s kids. Pictured as an awkward yearling.
Sire: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rogers
SS: Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey *S
SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay +*S
SD: CH Rosasharn UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE, 3xBDIS (E91)
SD: CH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D (E90)
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M/2*D 2005 AGS Natl Champ
Dam: Poppy Patch RC Norma Jeane
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause *B
SS: Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++B
SD: GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 1*M EEEE (92)
DD: Poppy Patch FM Marilyn Monroe
DS: Ponders End The Full Monty
DD: Sugar Creek's PG Jane Seymour
DOB: 7/13/2011
Bear is a pure white broken buckskin and the product of two wonderful lines. He has the looks and the pedigree to match. He is super long throughout, dairy, and angular. His sire gave him nice, tight shoulders and a good leg set. His dam has an beautiful udder with great attachments all around. With his blue eyes, he’s already turning many heads. We expect great things to come with this guy’s kids. Pictured as an awkward yearling.
Sire: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rogers
SS: Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey *S
SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay +*S
SD: CH Rosasharn UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE, 3xBDIS (E91)
SD: CH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D (E90)
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M/2*D 2005 AGS Natl Champ
Dam: Poppy Patch RC Norma Jeane
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause *B
SS: Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++B
SD: GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 1*M EEEE (92)
DD: Poppy Patch FM Marilyn Monroe
DS: Ponders End The Full Monty
DD: Sugar Creek's PG Jane Seymour

DOB: 8/02/11
Firebird is another Rosasharn Tiger L grandson that we have. He is a proven gold & white, blue-eyed yearling buck with loads of potential. He is shorter bodied than his 1/2 brother, Onyx, but still uniformly correct. And, wow, he stands really wide through the rear and has great body depth. He is mello and easy to work with. The genetics on both his sire and dam's sides are awesome for both show conformation and milk production. He should throw some beautiful udders. Can't wake to see his kids mature!
Sire: Rosasharn TL Thunderbird
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S
SS: Stonewall's Apocalype Now
SD: ARMCH Goodwood Water Lily 2*D, 1*M (2000 AGS Nat'l Ch Doe)
SD: Rosasharn M Leyenda
DS: Rosasharn FS Merlin
SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks WB Fire Storm
SD: Rosasharn's UK Witch Hazel
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Guadalupe Moteada
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb
DD: Stonewall's Baby 'Uddercup
Dam: Honey Goat Snowy River (full sister to CH Honey Goat Domingo at Poppy Patch Farm)
DS: Honey Goat Mt. Carmel
SS: Irish Whisper Hearbreaker
SS: Irish Whisper Sweet Success
SS: Velvet Acres Shazaam's Jester
SD: Flat Rocks Sweet Reward
SD: Gay-Mor's RA Wood Nymph
DS: Stonewall's Raising Arizona ++S
DD: Gay-Mor's Fleet Kricket 3*D AR
SD: Ponders End FO Bluebelle
DS: Flat Rocks Five-O-One Blues
SS: Munchranch Cactus Jack
SD: Flat Rocks Sweet Reward
DD: Ponders End Royal Charm
DS: Piddlin Acres Crown Royal
DD: Ponders End Hope
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90
SS: Woodhaven Farm Domino VG
SD: GCH Gay-Mor Kingpin's Lacewing 4*D E (AGS 2000 Top Ten Milker)
DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1532
DOB: 8/02/11
Firebird is another Rosasharn Tiger L grandson that we have. He is a proven gold & white, blue-eyed yearling buck with loads of potential. He is shorter bodied than his 1/2 brother, Onyx, but still uniformly correct. And, wow, he stands really wide through the rear and has great body depth. He is mello and easy to work with. The genetics on both his sire and dam's sides are awesome for both show conformation and milk production. He should throw some beautiful udders. Can't wake to see his kids mature!
Sire: Rosasharn TL Thunderbird
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S
SS: Stonewall's Apocalype Now
SD: ARMCH Goodwood Water Lily 2*D, 1*M (2000 AGS Nat'l Ch Doe)
SD: Rosasharn M Leyenda
DS: Rosasharn FS Merlin
SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks WB Fire Storm
SD: Rosasharn's UK Witch Hazel
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Guadalupe Moteada
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb
DD: Stonewall's Baby 'Uddercup
Dam: Honey Goat Snowy River (full sister to CH Honey Goat Domingo at Poppy Patch Farm)
DS: Honey Goat Mt. Carmel
SS: Irish Whisper Hearbreaker
SS: Irish Whisper Sweet Success
SS: Velvet Acres Shazaam's Jester
SD: Flat Rocks Sweet Reward
SD: Gay-Mor's RA Wood Nymph
DS: Stonewall's Raising Arizona ++S
DD: Gay-Mor's Fleet Kricket 3*D AR
SD: Ponders End FO Bluebelle
DS: Flat Rocks Five-O-One Blues
SS: Munchranch Cactus Jack
SD: Flat Rocks Sweet Reward
DD: Ponders End Royal Charm
DS: Piddlin Acres Crown Royal
DD: Ponders End Hope
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90
SS: Woodhaven Farm Domino VG
SD: GCH Gay-Mor Kingpin's Lacewing 4*D E (AGS 2000 Top Ten Milker)
DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1532

CAPRIOLA BSS BLUE AKELA (photo courtesy of HiddenGemsFarm)
DOB: 8/13/10
Akela was bred to Norma for April 2012 kids. He brings nice tight shoulders, nice uphill stance, and increased rear angulation to the the breeding. He also has a great dairy head and neck. He is a young buck and, as yet, unproven. Big udders with easy to milk by hand teats are also predicted! Can't wait to see what his kids look like. Update! Norma freshened with a beautiful doeling which we're retaining and a very nice buckling that is heading to Florida to join the Hidden Gems Herd. See doe page for his daughter, Stayawhile Peach Pie.
Sire: Squaw Mountain BlueSummerStorm
SS: NC PromisedLand RB Rampage *B
SS: NC PromisedLand Ram-Beau +*B , *S E91
SD: GCH PromisedLand Good Day Sunshine 1*M
SD: Camanna WO Snow In Spring
DS: Tahoma Whiteout
DD: Camanna FD Blue Veronica
Dam: Rosasharn SS Naughty Lily
DS: Rosasharn's TL Summer Sol *S
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B, +AE
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Lot-A-Lilly 3*D E
DS: Goodwood Tom Thumb ++B
DD: Goodwood Water Lilly 2*D, 1*M (2000 AGS National Champion)
DOB: 8/13/10
Akela was bred to Norma for April 2012 kids. He brings nice tight shoulders, nice uphill stance, and increased rear angulation to the the breeding. He also has a great dairy head and neck. He is a young buck and, as yet, unproven. Big udders with easy to milk by hand teats are also predicted! Can't wait to see what his kids look like. Update! Norma freshened with a beautiful doeling which we're retaining and a very nice buckling that is heading to Florida to join the Hidden Gems Herd. See doe page for his daughter, Stayawhile Peach Pie.
Sire: Squaw Mountain BlueSummerStorm
SS: NC PromisedLand RB Rampage *B
SS: NC PromisedLand Ram-Beau +*B , *S E91
SD: GCH PromisedLand Good Day Sunshine 1*M
SD: Camanna WO Snow In Spring
DS: Tahoma Whiteout
DD: Camanna FD Blue Veronica
Dam: Rosasharn SS Naughty Lily
DS: Rosasharn's TL Summer Sol *S
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++B, +AE
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*M
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Lot-A-Lilly 3*D E
DS: Goodwood Tom Thumb ++B
DD: Goodwood Water Lilly 2*D, 1*M (2000 AGS National Champion)

ROSASHARN TL THUNDERBIRD (picture courtesy of Honey Goat Farm)
DOB: July 2008
Thunderbird is owned by Suzanne Fortunato of Honey Goat Farm. His information is here for reference.
This flashy buck is a looker! He has a great pedigree too. The kids he threw last year look amazing and they did very well in the show ring. He was bred to Honey Goat Abbondanza who just freshened with a beautiful single buckling that we are retaining. See Honey Goat Onyx.
Sire: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S
SS: Stonewall's Apocalypse Now
SS: Stonewall's Raising Arizona
SD: Stonewall's Lily Dale
SD: ARMCH Goodwood Water Lilly 2*D, 1*M (2000 AGS National Champion)
DS: Gay-Mor's RA Kingwood
DD: It'l Do's Chalktah
Dam: Rosasharn M Leyenda
DS: Rosasharn FS Merlin
SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks WB Fire Storm
SD: Rosasharn's UK Witch Hazel
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Guadalupe Moteada
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb
DD: Stonewall's Baby 'Uddercup
DOB: July 2008
Thunderbird is owned by Suzanne Fortunato of Honey Goat Farm. His information is here for reference.
This flashy buck is a looker! He has a great pedigree too. The kids he threw last year look amazing and they did very well in the show ring. He was bred to Honey Goat Abbondanza who just freshened with a beautiful single buckling that we are retaining. See Honey Goat Onyx.
Sire: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S
SS: Stonewall's Apocalypse Now
SS: Stonewall's Raising Arizona
SD: Stonewall's Lily Dale
SD: ARMCH Goodwood Water Lilly 2*D, 1*M (2000 AGS National Champion)
DS: Gay-Mor's RA Kingwood
DD: It'l Do's Chalktah
Dam: Rosasharn M Leyenda
DS: Rosasharn FS Merlin
SS: ARMCH Twin Creeks WB Fire Storm
SD: Rosasharn's UK Witch Hazel
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Guadalupe Moteada
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb
DD: Stonewall's Baby 'Uddercup

DOB: 3/21/2011
Broc is a buck out of our original herd sire “Shadow.” He demonstrates some of the traits we liked from his sire--good overall conformation and the ability to produce does that can MILK!. He is nice and wide through the rear with no toeing out, he has a good front end assembly with a good uphill stance and he has great rear angulation. I would like to see less of a slope across the rump and more level ribs, but he’s still growing so he should continue to gain capacity. His first kids have hit the ground and are showing nice length and dairy conformation. His paternal sisters are showing beautiful udders for first fresheners. They're showing large teats with nice teat placement--something not always seen with Nigerians. Purchased by Robin White in Pullman, WA.
Sire: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow
SS: Pholia Farm CA Mr. Magnificent *B
SS: Pholia farm HB Casper *B
SS: CCH Piddlin Acres Hit the Bullseye +B
SD: Pholia Farm RA Kahlua 5*M
DS: Rosasharn's SS Aquarius *S
DD: Jobi Willa 4*D/2*M
SD: GCH Jobi Deana 5*M VEEE (91) 2010 2nd place udder
ADGA Natl; 2x BUIS
SS: Rosasharn's SS Unity +*B
SD: Jobi Latti 4*M
SD: Axulia Hebeny
Dam: Otter Creek Farm Daisy
DS: Pholia Farm KM Don Juan *S
DD: Fireside Farms OJ Belinda
DOB: 3/21/2011
Broc is a buck out of our original herd sire “Shadow.” He demonstrates some of the traits we liked from his sire--good overall conformation and the ability to produce does that can MILK!. He is nice and wide through the rear with no toeing out, he has a good front end assembly with a good uphill stance and he has great rear angulation. I would like to see less of a slope across the rump and more level ribs, but he’s still growing so he should continue to gain capacity. His first kids have hit the ground and are showing nice length and dairy conformation. His paternal sisters are showing beautiful udders for first fresheners. They're showing large teats with nice teat placement--something not always seen with Nigerians. Purchased by Robin White in Pullman, WA.
Sire: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow
SS: Pholia Farm CA Mr. Magnificent *B
SS: Pholia farm HB Casper *B
SS: CCH Piddlin Acres Hit the Bullseye +B
SD: Pholia Farm RA Kahlua 5*M
DS: Rosasharn's SS Aquarius *S
DD: Jobi Willa 4*D/2*M
SD: GCH Jobi Deana 5*M VEEE (91) 2010 2nd place udder
ADGA Natl; 2x BUIS
SS: Rosasharn's SS Unity +*B
SD: Jobi Latti 4*M
SD: Axulia Hebeny
Dam: Otter Creek Farm Daisy
DS: Pholia Farm KM Don Juan *S
DD: Fireside Farms OJ Belinda