Scroll down for information on all of our does.
Elite Doe x 4: August 2015 top 95%, August 2017 top 97%, August 2018 top 98%, August 2019 top 96%
2018 ADGA Breed Leader Top Ten Performer Doe!
#4 in the Nation for Milk Volume with 1470 lbs of milk
#7 in the Nation for Butterfat with 93 lbs of butterfat
#3 in the Nation for Protein with 65 lbs of protein
DOB: 2/11/14 Wattles
Cami is a powerhouse milker. She is long bodied and both powerful and dairy. She proves that it is possible to have both a high production doe and a doe that shines in the show ring. She wowed everyone in 2017 by winning GCH Sr doe and Best Udder at the WA State Fair Nigerian Specialty Show and by becoming a Top Ten Performance Doe ( #4 for milk volume, #7 for butterfat, and #3 for protein in the nation!). She has won 1st place ten times so is extremely consistent. Placed 17th at Nationals. Wish I had a whole herd of does just like her. 2019: 2nd place 5yo/2nd udder. In 2020, she had a rough kidding with a large single doeling. It effected her milk production and things were touch and go for a while but we're happy to report she rallied and is doing well again. If you check out her milk record, you will see that she milk almost 1000 lbs in only 202 DIM on her 4th lactation. 940 pounds in 245 DIM on her 5th. Because of my work schedule, I cannot always milk a full 305. I'm sure if I did, Cami's record would really WoW you.
Sire: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B VVV86
SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90
SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85
SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M, E 91.5
SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86
(2012 Nat'l Show CH Dry Yearling)
DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B
DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV 87
Dam: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88
DS: VOB Blessy's Joker
SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker
SD: MCH SCF Blessing
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90
DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1532
SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90
SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85
SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M, E 91.5
SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86
(2012 Nat'l Show CH Dry Yearling)
DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B
DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV 87
Dam: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88
DS: VOB Blessy's Joker
SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker
SD: MCH SCF Blessing
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90
DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1532
SG Stayawhile NW Contessa 4*M EEEE90
Tessa is well balanced young doe that has tons of potential. She has amazing milk production genetics in her background so we're expecting her to follow in her parent's footsteps. She is the 1/2 sister to our doe that took 1st place Sr kid at the ADGA Nationals.
DOB: 1/24/16
Sire: SG Stayawhile TV Newsworthy +*B +VV82 SS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B VVVV (1 yo) SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (2012 ADGA Nat'l Show Best Yearling) SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *+B VEE 90 DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Aulani3*M EVEV91 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku ++*B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E, 2010 ADGA Nat'l CH DD: Hidden Gems TK Kalani 2*M DS: Rosasharn SP Tiki *B DD: Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EE+ 86 |
2017: Twins (1 buckling/1 doeling) x Minterbay HK Koji 2018: Twins (1 buckling/1 doeling) x Mistwood Epic of Amity 2019: |
Show wins:
2016 - 4th (out of 21) WA State Fair 2017 - 1x2nd, 1x3rd, 1x4th - Monroe, WA 2nd place 1yo & 2nd place udder - WA State Fair |
MilkNKids MM Your Highness 1*M VEEE90 (permanent score) "Ness" Elite List 2020, 2021
DOB: 6/29/16 BLUE EYES
S: Urban Acres MS Man in the Moon *B
SS: GCH Camanna LI Moonlight Symphony *B SS: Dill's D Lucky's Image *B SD: SGCH Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata EEEE91 SD: SGCH Urban Acres SD Blue Bonnet 2*M 3x ADGA Top Ten & Total Performer doe DS: Alexanderfarm BW Studlydorite *B DD: SG Copper Peny Blue Eyed Susan 1*M D: Goat-ER-Done CC Charishma DS: Proctor Hill Farm Cajun Chief +V+84 SS: Tx Twincreeks SEM Indiansummer *B SS: Lost Valley TB Seminole *S SD: MCH/PGCH Twin Creeks Midsummernightdream 2*D/1*M EEEE91 SD: Dragonfly RY Mardi Gras +++A81 DS: Caesars Villa BB Rebel Yell *S DD: ARMCH Flat Rocks Here for the Party *D E EEEV90 DD: SG Gladdie Acres Macchiato 2*M VV++84 (1 yo) DS: SGCH Copper Penny MTB Money To Burn +B ++E84 DD: SG Deer Run ND Beryl 1*M |
SG Stayawhile FIN Always Dreaming 2*M VEEE90
DOB: 5/06/2017
Show Results:
2017: 4th place Late Jr Kid - WA State Fair Specialty FRESHENINGS: 2018: Single doeling out of Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo |
Sire: SG Stayawhile KJ Finale+*B
SS: Minterbay HK Koji *B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: Hope Hollow Mischief Managed 1*M DS: Poppy Patch WM Mischief Maker SS: Poppy Patch Wildmanofmontesano SS: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief *B SD: Poppy Patch Lil Miss Sunshine SD: Poppy Patch RC Cry Baby Blues DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause *B DD: Poppy Patch BTO Bella Blue DD: Hope Hollow Splash Mountain DS: Old Mountain Farm Erebus SS: Old Mountain Farm Nux Moschata SD: NC Promisedland Nemesis 2*M DD: Hope Hollow Cinnamon N Spice DS: Camanna CC Keepin' Tempo DD: Poppy Patch BAM Sweet N Sassy |
Stayawhile Galaxy's Splendor 4*M VEVE90 (permanent score) "Dori" *Leg
DOB: 11/10/17
Show Record:
2018: GCH, 1st x 2 - NWABGC GCH, 1st - WA State Fair 1st - Breeder's Trio WA State Fair FRESHENINGS:
2020: triplets (2b/1d) - Walker |
Sire: SG Stayawhile KJ Finale+*B
SS: Minterbay HK Koji +*B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Aulani3*M EVEV91 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku ++*B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E, 2010 ADGA Nat'l CH DD: Hidden Gems TK Kalani 2*M DS: Rosasharn SP Tiki *B DD: Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EE+ 86 |
SG Stayawhile CR Southern Gem 3*M VEV+86 (FF score), GVVV87 (permanent score)
DOB: 2/13/18 2019 Elite Doe
Sire: SG Dills BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (at 1-03)
SS: SG Dill’s TS Banjo *B SS: Dill’s D Two-Step *B SS: Dill’s LD Derringer *S, +B SD: NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91 at 4-03 SD: Dill’s XM Keena EEEE92 at 5-02 DS: MI Sugarcreek TW Tune’s XM *S/+*B DD: Dill’s LD Remember +E+V86 at 7-04 SD: SG Dill’s KJ Misstery 1*D/1*M VEEE90 DS: Dill’s AC Katzenjammer *S SS: Promisedland HS Aristo Cat *S SD: Woodhaven Varms Ida One Tobeat 3*D DD: Flat Rocks Get A Clue DS: MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire DD: Flat Rocks Mystery Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Sthern Elegance 2*M EEE+86 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *+B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *S SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91 SD: ARMCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH) DS: Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's TL Unagi 4*D, E 91.5 DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+ 86 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio EEE91 SS: GCH Mystic Acres SnapDragon +B SD: Axulia Nefertiti +EE+83 DD: The Daphne Delite DS: Inavale Mel Gibson DD: Toehead Royale Riley |
2019: Reserve GCH - WA State Fair
2019: Reserve GCH - WA State Fair
SG Stayawhile CR Gold Dust 5*M VVVV86 (FF score)
DOB: 3/10/18
2019 - Desertnanny SS Mister Lincoln *B |
Sire: SG Dills BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (at 1-03)
SS: SG Dill’s TS Banjo *B SS: Dill’s D Two-Step *B SS: Dill’s LD Derringer *S, +B SD: NC Promisedland Pal Macarena 5*M VEEE91 at 4-03 SD: Dill’s XM Keena EEEE92 at 5-02 DS: MI Sugarcreek TW Tune’s XM *S/+*B DD: Dill’s LD Remember +E+V86 at 7-04 SD: SG Dill’s KJ Misstery 1*D/1*M VEEE90 DS: Dill’s AC Katzenjammer *S SS: Promisedland HS Aristo Cat *S SD: Woodhaven Varms Ida One Tobeat 3*D DD: Flat Rocks Get A Clue DS: MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire DD: Flat Rocks Mystery Dam: SG Four Cedars Farm EB Julep 4*M DS: Old Mountain Farm Erebus SS: Old Mountain Farm Nux Moschata SSS: Old Mountain Farm Sage SSD: Old Mountain Farm Nutmeg VVEV88 SD: NC Promisedland Nemesis 3*M, 3*D SDS: Rosasharn SS Legolas VEV90 SDD: NC Promisedland BW Echo 2 VEEE90 DD: Agape Oaks AD Mascarpone 3*M VEEV87 DS: Poppy Patch HB Adonis DSS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay DSD: Poppy Patch Reb's Roxie DD: GCH Agape Oaks GHIR Tiramisu EEEV90 DDS: TX Twincreeks PKM Ghiradelli DDD: Agape Oaks CK Pizzazz Show Record:
2019 - 1st place yearling milker/1st place udder WA State Fair |
Almar Acres WM Fireproof 5*M VVVV88 (permanent score)
DOB: 4/05/18
Sire: TX Twincreeks RM Watermark +B
SS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B VV+85 (@1-02) SD: CH TX Twincreeks PKM Brownbetty +VVV86 Dam: CH Castle Rock Fire N Spice 4*M +EEE88 (2yrs) DS: Castle Rock Sugar Daddy *B DD: SGCH Castle Rock Wildfire 3*M VEEE90 Fireproof has matured a great deal since her FF yearling appraisal. Our patience is paying off as she's going to blossom as a mature doe. Her paternal sister won Reserve Grand Champion doe at the 2021 ADGA Nationals and a Watermark granddaughter sold for $26,000 at the 2021 Spotlight Sale.
Stayawhile DPC Lady President 5*M - on lease
DOB: 2/24/19
Stayawhile B Southern Proper 3*M VVVV87
DOB: 2/28/2019
Sire: Stayawhile CR I Got Your Black *B
SS: Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) SS: SG Dill's TS Banjo *B SD: SG Dill's KJ Misstery 1*D/1*M VEEE90 SD: Rosasharn RS B-Licious VE++86 5*M Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M EEEV91 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey +*B +S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, VEEE91 2019 ADGA Nat'l CH DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+86 DS: Purple Cams Farm Fabio EEE91 DD: The Daphen Delight |
Stayawhile FIN Final Belle 4*M GVVG85
DOB: 3/24/2019
Sire: SG Stayawhile KJ Finale+*B
SS: Minterbay HK Koji+*B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 SD: SG Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: SG Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island SS: Honey Goat Easter Jackpot SS: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief *B *S SD: CH Honey Goat Domingo SD: CH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M DS: Poppy Patch Ready OR Not SS: Buttin'Heads Father Christmas SD: CH Poppy Patch Not Quite An Angel DD: CH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle 1*M DS: Poppy Patch Captain January DD: Herron Hill Hannah Belle |
Leisure Time SC Indigo Storm 4*M - Currently out on lease
DOB: 3/27/19
Sire: Leisure Time TT Silver Coconut *B +VV84
SS: Alethia DJ Triton +*B VEV88 SS: GCH Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SD: GCH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna 4*M VEVE90 SD: SG Leisure Time CF Silver Bell 2*M EVEV88 DS: Take Heart Cabin Fever *B +VE85 DD: SG The Blue Laced Bella 1*M VEEV89 Dam: SGCH Leisure Time TW Silver Joy 3*M EEEV91 DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever *B +VE85 SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M VVE+86 DD: SG Leisure Time CF Silver Bell 2*M EVEV88 DS: Take Heart Cabin Fever *B +VE85 DD: SG The Blue Laced Bella 1*M VEEV89 |
Show Record:
2019: 1st place Jr kid - WA State Fair
2019: 1st place Jr kid - WA State Fair
Stayawhile FIN Imagine If 2*M VGEV88
DOB: 4/27/2019
Sire: SG Stayawhile KJ Finale+*B
SS: Minterbay HK Koji+*B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: SG Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: J-Nels L BitterSweet 1*M EVVE90 DS: Rosasharn SH Legend *B SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey +*B, +S VEV87 SS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *S ++*B VEE89 SD: SG ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH) VEEE91 DS: Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's TL Unagi 4*D, E 91.5 DD: J-Nels BB Flirt W/ Me DS: J-Nels DH Be Bop*B +EE86 SS: GCH Algedi Farm DJ Drops of Honey +*B SD: SGCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 2*M VEEE90 DD: CH Caesar's -Villa BT Flirt DS: Caesar's Villa FL Brat in Barn DD: Caesar's Villa STS Flirtatious |
Leisure Time GQ Bling 5*M VGVG85 *LEG
DOB: 5/04/2019
Sire: Leisure Time ZZ GQ *B
SS: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man SS: Alethia ET I'm A Love Machine SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 1*M SD: Leisure Time Sophisticatedlady 2*M VEEV89 DS: Poppy Patch HB Honey Bear DD: Poppy Patch HB Jazzy Dam: Leiusure Time Fav Colr Is Krome 4*M +VEV86 DS: Leisure Time GL Satyr *B +EV84 SS: Alethia SHH Gunsmoke N Lace SD: Lesiure Time OH Tinker Belle 2*M DD: Lesiure Time TW Mercedes 3*M +VE+84 DS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works *B VEE89 DD: Lesiure Time Sophisticatedlady 2*M VEEV89 |
2020: GCH JR Doe - Rouge Valley under Diane Heaney
2020: GCH JR Doe - Rouge Valley under Diane Heaney
Stayawhile DCP Crossfire 6*M VEEV89
DOB: 5/20/2019
Crossfire is a granddaughter of TX Twincreeks RM Watermark. Watermark genetics have done very well in 2021 with one of his daughters winning Reserve GCH doe at the 2021 ADGA Nationals and a granddaughter selling for $26,000 at the 2021 Spotlight Sale. So glad we have these genetics in our herd.
Sire: Stayawhile FIN Dash Cam Pro*B
SS: SG Stayawhile KJ Finale+*B SS: Minterbay HK Koji +*B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: SG Minterbay EI Ellipse3*M EEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta SD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 (4 yrs) 3x Elite List; 2018 TOP TEN List for all three categories DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B VVV86 SS: Algedi FArm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 ADGA National 1st dry yearling) DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa Dam: Almar Acres WM Fireproof 5*M DS: TX Twincreeks RM Watermark +B SS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B VV+85 (@1-02) SD: CH TX Twincreeks PKM Brownbetty +VVV86 DD: CH Castle Rock Fire N Spice 4*M +EEE88 (2yrs) DS: Castle Rock Sugar Daddy *B DD: SGCH Castle Rock Wildfire 3*M VEEE90 |
AGS MilkNKids LEG Sherry 28 Hefty
DOB: 10/20/2019 Moonspots
Sire: The MilkNKids MM LeaveA Legacy
SS: Urban Acres MS Man In The Moon SS: Camanna LI Moonlight Symphony SS: Dill's D Lucky's Image SD: Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata SD: Urban ACres SD Blue Bonnet DS: Alexanderfarm BW Studlydorite DD: Copper Peny Blue Eyed Susan SD: Tualatin Acres Charlie Cupcake DS: Camanna CT Charlie DD: Tualatin Acres Dakota Oreo Dam: Urban Acres WC Sherry DS: NC PromisedLand HS White Cloud *S DD: Starbucks Shammey |
Stayawhile TB APriori VEVV89
DOB: 4/03/20 MCD6/M64
Sire: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B
SS: CH Old Mountain Farm All Over It *B EEE91 SS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B SS: NC Promisedland SayIt AgainSam *B SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Oliv A Suddn 3*M EEVV89 SD: CH Old Mountain Farm Natasha DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Black Tulip ++*B DD: Old Mountain Farm Eleanor RW 2*M SD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon DD: Prairie Wood PB Milky Way Dam: 3W Farm COY Coconut Mocha 1*M DS: Fox Valley AOI Crazy Over You SS: CH Old Mountain Farm All Over It EEE91 SD: Fox Valley Fiddle Dee Dee 2*M VEEV88 DD: Flower Lion Farm MB Cedar DS: Flower Lion Farm FT Mulberry DD: GCH Lost Prairie VL Heartbreaker 1*M EEEE91 Elite |
Stayawhile TV News Snippet VEVE90
DOB: 4/09/20 MCD6/M77
Sire: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B VVV86
SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M, E 91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 Nat'l Show CH Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV 87 Dam: Almar Acres WM Fireproof 5*M DS: TX Twincreeks RM Watermark +B SS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B VV+85 (@1-02) SD: CH TX Twincreeks PKM Brownbetty +VVV86 DD: CH Castle Rock Fire N Spice 4*M +EEE88 (2yrs) DS: Castle Rock Sugar Daddy *B DD: SGCH Castle Rock Wildfire 3*M VEEE90 |
Stayawhile TB Chatterbox VGEG86
DOB: 4/09/20 MCD6/M82
Sire: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B
SS: CH Old Mountain Farm All Over It *B EEE91 SD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon DD: Prairie Wood PB Milky Way Dam: J-Nels L Bitter Sweet 1*M EVVE90 DS: Rosasharn SH Legend *B SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey +*B, +S VEV87 SS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *S ++*B VEE89 SD: SG ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH) VEEE91 DS: Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's TL Unagi 4*D, E 91.5 DD: J-Nels BB Flirt W/ Me DS: J-Nels DH Be Bop *B DD: CH Caesar's Villa BT Flirt |
Stayawhile TV Breaking News GVEV88
DOB: 4/19/20 MCD6/M93
Sire: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B VVV86
SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M, E 91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 Nat'l Show 1st place Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV 87 Dam: SG Stayawhile NW Contessa 4*M EEEE90 DS: SG Stayawhile TV Newsworthy +*B DD: SG Hidden Gems GK Aulani 3*M EVEV91 |
2021 Does Listed Below with their parents:
Stayawhile O Shenandoah DOB: 2/13/2021 Polled & Moonspotted - on lease
(Stayawhile CC Corona Corona Flare x Stayawhile GN Oak N Shield *B)
Stayawhile Sutter's Gold Claim GGVG83 (FF score) DOB: 5/02/2021
(Stayawhile Galaxy's Splendor x Castle Rock Sutter's Gold - AI)
Stayawhile S Sapphire Jubilee VVVV87 (FF score)
MCD6/N10 2/01 (Fireproof x Saraband) AI
Stayawhile G True North GGGG83 (FF score)
MCD6/N73 4/10 (Gold Dust x Gambit)
Stayawhile T Clever Story GGGG83 (FF score)
MCD6/N88 5/11 (Storyteller x Tiger)
Stayawhile SP Velvet Crown GAVG81 (FF score)
MCD6/N101 5/18 (July x Stag Party) AI
Stayawhile DP Terrebellum AGGA78 (FF score)
MCD6/N115 6/12 (Contrary x Dashing Prince)
Stayawhile G Medina Spirit MCD6/N124 8/12 (Always Dreaming x Gambit)
Stayawhile CID Snowbird Jump MCD6/N131 (July x Lucidity)
Stayawhile Claim To Fame AGGG80 (FF score)
MCD6/P16 AI (Crossfire x Sutter's Gold)
Stayawhile R Picturesque AGGA79 (FF score)
MCD6/P19 DOB 3-02-22 (Imagine If x Calc)
Stayawhile R Denim Diva AAGA77 (FF score) MCD6/P28 (Snippet x Calc)
2022 Dry Junior Doelings:
P2 Stayawhile RF Perigold P6 Stayawhile DYG Lemon Verbena P9 Stayawhile NSIT Catalyst * LEG P11 Stayawhile CW You Just Wait GAGA79 (FF score) P30 Stayawhile WW Caraxes P37 Stayawhile LG Veri Berri GGGG81 (FF score) P42 Stayawhile CID KNIX 102.5 P46 Stayawhile RC Absolute Magic GGGG82 (FF score) P50 Stayawhile CW Veronica Mars P60 Stayawhile CW Regatta GGAG81 (FF score) * LEG |
P62 AI - Stayawhile H Sky On Fire GGGV83 (FF score) P69 Stayawhile G La Caramella P70 Stayawhile G Amber Waves P76 Stayawhile T Windfall Harbor P89 Stayawhile G Raven's Pearl * LEG P94 Stayawhile U Understand Me (Contrary x Unrepeatable) P99 Stayawhile RC Animated Story (Storyteller x Ritz) P100 Stayawhile RC Original Story (Storyteller x Ritz) |
2023 Junior Does:
R9 Stayawhile RC ? (AGS ) (Hefty x Ritz) R14 Stayawhile R (Shenandoah x Calc) R16 Stayawhile RC Ritz Amelia (Terrebellum x Ritz) R24 Stayawhile NSIT ? (possibly Alamos Gold) (Fame x Sheriff) R28 Stayawhile L Crown Jewel (Velvet x Lion) R30 Stayawhile WW Whistle Worthy (Memory x Worth Watching) R42 Stayawhile T Skip To My Lou (Dax x Tiger) R46 Stayawhile R Headline News (Breaking News x Calc) R53 Stayawhile M Ave Regina (AI) (Cork x Majesty) |
R67 Stayawhile L Panthera (Violet x Lion) R78 Stayawhile T Beatbox Blues (Bling x Tiger) R80 Stayawhile DP ? (Veri Berri x Prince) R86 Stayawhile DP ? (Bitter Sweet x Prince) R88 Stayawhile G ? (Magic x Gambit) R96 Stayawhile G Quick Tempo (Snippet x Gambit) R104 Stayawhile G? (Apriori x Gambit) R105 Stayawhile G? (Apriori x Gambit) R107 Stayawhile G Year of Jubilee (Sapphire x Gambit) R112 (DNA Nails or Gambit) sold? R115 Stayawhile G Playing With Fire (Fireproof x Gambit) R116 Stayawhile G/DP (Aviva x Gambit or Prince dna...should be Gambit) |
2024 Junior Does:
S1 Stayawhile T ? (Stayawhile RC Whispered Yarn x Minterbay SBJ Tiger Beat) DOB Jan 16
S1 Stayawhile T ? (Stayawhile RC Whispered Yarn x Minterbay SBJ Tiger Beat) DOB Jan 16
Does that we have owned in the past

DOB: 11/28/12 Height: 20 inches
Takara is the first doeling sired by Rosasharn SH Guyku *B, the full littermate brother of the 2011 ADGA Spotlight Sale buck, Rosasharn SH Epic. So far, she is living up to our expectations. She is long, level and uniformly correct. Rear width and legs look great even though she is standing too stretched out in the pictures. We are excited to see how she matures. Update: this little girl stays very level on the move and in standing. Her rump angle is a little steeper than I like coming from her dam and her neck could blend better into her withers, however, we couldn't be happier with how she is maturing. Beautiful udder!
We put Takara on milk test this year and her production has been great. Once she hit her * requirements, we dropped her to once a day milking to lighten our work load and she is still going to hit close to 1000 pounds!
The judges are all commenting on how well balanced Takara is with also having a beautiful mammary system. We'll try to get some better pictures soon.
Takara is the first doeling sired by Rosasharn SH Guyku *B, the full littermate brother of the 2011 ADGA Spotlight Sale buck, Rosasharn SH Epic. So far, she is living up to our expectations. She is long, level and uniformly correct. Rear width and legs look great even though she is standing too stretched out in the pictures. We are excited to see how she matures. Update: this little girl stays very level on the move and in standing. Her rump angle is a little steeper than I like coming from her dam and her neck could blend better into her withers, however, we couldn't be happier with how she is maturing. Beautiful udder!
We put Takara on milk test this year and her production has been great. Once she hit her * requirements, we dropped her to once a day milking to lighten our work load and she is still going to hit close to 1000 pounds!
The judges are all commenting on how well balanced Takara is with also having a beautiful mammary system. We'll try to get some better pictures soon.
Sire: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku ++*B VEE90
SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B +S VEV87 SS: Rosasharn WT B-B0 *S VEE89 SS: Rosasharn Tom's Water Tabby *S SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's UMT Honey Bee 4*D E, 4*M SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D "E," 3*M EEEE 91 2007 AGS National Champion Doe & Best Udder 2010 ADGA National Reserve Champion Doe SS: OTR Magic M Heracles SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*D "E," 2*M EEEV 91 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA National Champion Doe DS: Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S "E" ++B +AE 82 SD: Stonewall's Honey Suckle DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's TL Unagi 4*D "E", 3*M 91.5 DS:ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S "E" ++B +AE 82 DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Uni 3*D "E", 2*M EEEV 90 Dam: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas farm My Shadow SS: Pholia Farm CA Mr. Magnificent *B VVV87 SS: Pholia Farm HB Casper *B SD: GCH Jobi Deana 5*M DS: Rosasharn's SS Unity +*B DD: Jobi Latti 4*M SD: Axulia Hebeny DS: Dav-Lyn Red Cloud DD: Shadow Mountain Black Magic DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta DS: NC PromisedLand Pal Playboy *B SS: Buttin’ Heads Palimony +B SD: GCH NC PromisedLand Legacy Sunday 2*M, 3*D DD: CH Poppy Patch FM Dutchess DS: Ponders End The Full Monty DD: CH Poppy Patch RC Poppy Seed |
Show Record: * Leg * Leg *Leg
2013 - 3x 1st place Junior Yearling - NWABGC - Stanwood GCH Jr Doe - NWABGC- Stanwood, WA (E. Henning) GCH Jr Doe - Kitsap County Fair (not sanctioned) Res GCH Jr Doe- Kitsap County Fair 4-H 2014 - 1x 1st Sr Doe-SWWADGA Chehalis (Megan Carter) 1x 2nd place Sr Doe - SWWADGA (Cody Darst) 3x 1st place Sr Doe - NWABGC in Monroe, WA Res GCH Sr Doe - Kitsap County Fair 2015 3x 1st place 2yo - Chehalis, WA ResGCH Sr. Doe - Chehalis, WA (66 entries under Jeremy Lesnick) GCH Sr. Doe - Chehalis, WA (66 entries under Kalypso Rousso) GCH Sr Doe and BOB - Roseburg, OR under Richard Grossman 3x 1st place 2yo - Roseburg, OR made the top cut and placed 20th out of 46 - ADGA Nationals in Redmond, OR Freshenings: 2014 - Twin bucklings x Tivo 2015 - Twin bucklings x Onyx 2016 - Single buckling x Koji 2017 - Dry |
SG Stayawhile TV Famous Redhead 4*M VEEV87
DOB: 3/29/2017
Sire: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo+B VV87 SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B*S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (2012 Natl Show CH Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV87 Dam: SG Stayawhile NW Southern Belle 3*M VEVV87 DS: SG Stayawhile TV Newsworthy +*B +VV82 (1yr) SS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo+B VVV86 SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DD: Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M EVV+87 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+86 |
DOB: 12/01/14
Midnight is very long and dairy and has one of the widest rears we have ever seen in one of our kids. She has her dam's personality and would be a lap goat if possible. I love how she takes everything in stride and doesn't get stressed. Freshened with great udder capacity as a FF doe even though she only had a single kid. She is on milk test this year and milk volume and BF are great. She should have no trouble meeting her milk star requirements. |
Sire: Rosasharn NP Honeymoon Cruz *B VVE87
SS: Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B SS: Rosasharn AL's Astrix SD: GCH Rosasharn TL Queen Bee 5*M SD: Rosasharn BB Honey Moon 4*M DS: Rosashasrn WT B-Bo *B DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D,3*M EEEE91 2007 AGS Natl CH SR Doe and Best Udder 2010 ADGA Natl Reserve CH SR Doe Dam: Fuji Farm FFS Mazy 4*M VEEV87 DS: Fuji Farm RTR Samsun *B SS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B SD: GCH Sandy Hollow UK Sunshine 2*M VEEE91 DD: Odeon ATS Michael 3*M DS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE90 DD: GCH Sandy Hollow UK Maddie 2*M VEEE91 |
2016 - Single doeling out of SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 2017 - Triplets - Dill's BJ Curiouser |
Stayawhile ON B-Lieve 6*M
B-Lieve delivered twin doelings in 2018. Two weeks after kidding she suddenly went downhill fast. Our vet suspected a uterine tear and it was confirmed when she passed. Very sad.
DOB: 2/15/16 Sire: Honey Goat TB Onyx SS: Rosasharn TL Thunderbird SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S, ++B SD: Rosasharn M Leyenda SD: Honey Goat Abbondanza DS: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief *S *B DD: CornerStone Farm Terea Dam: Rosasharn RS B-Licious 5*M VE++86 (FF score) DS: Rosasharn GX ringo Star *B VVE87 DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's UMT Honey Bee 4*D, 5*M VVEE88 |

DOB: 2/19/13
B-Licious is a gorgeous doe that is very refined and looking great. She has a nice level rear and tight shoulders. She is a slower to mature doe that we expect to peak in another year or two. Thank you Ann Peterson for breeding such a beautiful young doe. We're expecting her to do you proud in the show ring and in milk production next year! Sons will inherit their *B status.
Sire: Rosasharn GX Ringo Star *B VVE87 Show Results:
SS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy *S, ++B, VEE90 Grand CH JR Doe - 2014 Kitsap County Fair
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn UMT Even' Star 9*D, 9*M
Dam: ARMCH Rosasharn's UMT Honey Bee 4*D,5*M VVEE88
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*S, ++*B E
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91 Freshenings:
(2007 AGS Nat'l CH Doe and Best Udder) 2015 - Twin bucklings out of SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90
(2010 ADGA Nat'l Reserve CH Doe) 2016 - Triplets (2 does/1 buck) out of Honey Goat TB Onyx
2017 - Quads (2 does/2bucks) Windy Gorge HJ Thats My Story
2018 - Quads (3b/1d) Dill's BJ Curiouser *B
DOB: 2/19/13
B-Licious is a gorgeous doe that is very refined and looking great. She has a nice level rear and tight shoulders. She is a slower to mature doe that we expect to peak in another year or two. Thank you Ann Peterson for breeding such a beautiful young doe. We're expecting her to do you proud in the show ring and in milk production next year! Sons will inherit their *B status.
Sire: Rosasharn GX Ringo Star *B VVE87 Show Results:
SS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy *S, ++B, VEE90 Grand CH JR Doe - 2014 Kitsap County Fair
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn UMT Even' Star 9*D, 9*M
Dam: ARMCH Rosasharn's UMT Honey Bee 4*D,5*M VVEE88
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*S, ++*B E
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91 Freshenings:
(2007 AGS Nat'l CH Doe and Best Udder) 2015 - Twin bucklings out of SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90
(2010 ADGA Nat'l Reserve CH Doe) 2016 - Triplets (2 does/1 buck) out of Honey Goat TB Onyx
2017 - Quads (2 does/2bucks) Windy Gorge HJ Thats My Story
2018 - Quads (3b/1d) Dill's BJ Curiouser *B
Sire: Fuji Farm RTR Samsun *B +VV84 (at 1 yr)
SS: Rosasharn SP Triumph +*B SS: ARMCH Rosasharn SW Sapporo ++*B EEE91 SS: Doe-Sy-Doe's FS Storm Warning SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Unagi 4*M SD: ARMCH Rosasharn TL Almond Joy 5*M VEVE90 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn Tiger L ++B DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*M SD: GCH Sandy Hollow UK Sunshine 2*M VEEE 91 DS: Rosasharn's TL Ukulele Ke-A ++*B , *S DS: ARMCH Rosasharn Tiger L ++B, *S DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Uni 2*M DD: Goodwood KW Slinky 1*M DS: Gay-Mor's RA Kingwood ++*S DD: Goodwood Q Damselfly *D Dam: Odeon ATS Michael 3*M ++VV84 DS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi *S +B VVV85 SS: Rosasharn Under My Thumb +*B SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Unagi 4*M SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D EEVE90 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn Tiger L ++B, *S DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Eclipse 2*M DD: GCH Sandy Hollow UK Maddie 2*M VEEE 91 DS: Rosasharn's TL Ukulele Ke-A ++*B DS: ARMCH Rosasharn Tiger L ++B, *S DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Uni 2*M DD: Goodwood KW Madame Alexander 1*M * D "E" DS: Gay-Mor's RA Kingwood ++*S DD: Tupence Kismet |
2014-2015 DHIR:

DOB: 2/28/13 Height: 21.25 inches
Mica is a very long bodied doeling with great angulation. She is solid black with waddles. Her conformation appears to be just what we were hoping for when we paired up her dam & sire. It also helps that she has her dam's mello, calm, friendly temperament. We have high hopes for her and expect her to do well at the spring shows. With one grand and two reserves under her belt, she is well on her way to becoming one of our herd favorites. Freshened with a beautiful udder for a FF doe.
Show Record * Leg Freshenings:
2013 - 3x 1st NWABGC Intermediate Jr Doe - Stanwood, WA 2014 - Twins (1 b/1 d) out of Stayawhile PB Blueprints
Grand CH Jr Doe - NWABGC at Stanwood, WA under Scott Horner 2015 - Twins (1b/1d) out of Rosasharn NP Honey Moon Cruz *B
Reserve CH Jr Doe - NWABGC at Stanwood, WA under Cody Darst
Reserve CH Jr Doe - Kitsap County Fair
2014 - 1 x 3rd, 1 x 4th - SWWADGA Show, Chehalis
1x 3rd, 1x 4th - NWABGC Show, Monroe
Sire: Poppy Patch CD Blacksmith
SS: Rosasharn GX Cadbury *B
SS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy *B VEE
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S E
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*D (2005 AGS Nat'l CH)
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*M/4*D E VEV+86
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S E
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*D
SD: Poppy Patch RC Cherish
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause ++*B *S
SS: MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++*S E
SD: MCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 1*M
DD: Esperanza ZZ Charity
DS: Ponders End ZZ Top
DD: Esperanza Evening Primrose
Dam: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie VVV87
DS: VOB Blessy's Joker
SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker
SS: Irish Whisper Sweet Success
SD: Gay-Mor's RA Wood Nymph
SD: MCH SCF Blessing
DS: Prairie Wood Black and Blue
DD: Moonshine Acres Libby Sawyer
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90
SS: Woodhaven Farm Domino VG
SD: GCH Gay-Mor Kingpin's Lacewing 4*D E (2000 Top Ten Milker)
DD: WGF Sally 2*D E AR1532
DS: Dav-Lyn Toby
DD: WGF Rosie *D
Mica is a very long bodied doeling with great angulation. She is solid black with waddles. Her conformation appears to be just what we were hoping for when we paired up her dam & sire. It also helps that she has her dam's mello, calm, friendly temperament. We have high hopes for her and expect her to do well at the spring shows. With one grand and two reserves under her belt, she is well on her way to becoming one of our herd favorites. Freshened with a beautiful udder for a FF doe.
Show Record * Leg Freshenings:
2013 - 3x 1st NWABGC Intermediate Jr Doe - Stanwood, WA 2014 - Twins (1 b/1 d) out of Stayawhile PB Blueprints
Grand CH Jr Doe - NWABGC at Stanwood, WA under Scott Horner 2015 - Twins (1b/1d) out of Rosasharn NP Honey Moon Cruz *B
Reserve CH Jr Doe - NWABGC at Stanwood, WA under Cody Darst
Reserve CH Jr Doe - Kitsap County Fair
2014 - 1 x 3rd, 1 x 4th - SWWADGA Show, Chehalis
1x 3rd, 1x 4th - NWABGC Show, Monroe
Sire: Poppy Patch CD Blacksmith
SS: Rosasharn GX Cadbury *B
SS: Rosasharn's TL Galaxy *B VEE
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S E
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Eclipse 2*D (2005 AGS Nat'l CH)
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*M/4*D E VEV+86
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S E
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-O-Honey 4*D
SD: Poppy Patch RC Cherish
DS: Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause ++*B *S
SS: MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch ++*S E
SD: MCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 1*M
DD: Esperanza ZZ Charity
DS: Ponders End ZZ Top
DD: Esperanza Evening Primrose
Dam: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie VVV87
DS: VOB Blessy's Joker
SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker
SS: Irish Whisper Sweet Success
SD: Gay-Mor's RA Wood Nymph
SD: MCH SCF Blessing
DS: Prairie Wood Black and Blue
DD: Moonshine Acres Libby Sawyer
DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa
DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90
SS: Woodhaven Farm Domino VG
SD: GCH Gay-Mor Kingpin's Lacewing 4*D E (2000 Top Ten Milker)
DD: WGF Sally 2*D E AR1532
DS: Dav-Lyn Toby
DD: WGF Rosie *D

HONEY GOAT ABBONDANZA (picture courtesy of Honey Goat Farm)
DOB: April 2010
Height: 21.5"
Abby is a tall young doe with a wonderful general appearance. She freshened with a nice udder that has large, easy to milk teats, good ligament attachments, and decent size. Foreudder looks great. She has a sweet temperament and is very cooperative on the milk stand. If you're looking for a strong doe with great width and ribbing, then she's the doe for you.
Freshenings: Sire: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief *S
2011: Triplets SS: Rosasharn HNC Uproar *S
2012: Single buckling SS: Rosasharn UR Honey Nut Cheerio *S
2013: Single buckling SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Uni 3*D/ 2*M E
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-a-Lilly 4*D/ 2*M VVE+86
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S (1997 & 2000 AGS BOB)
DD: ARMCH Goodwood Water Lilly 2*D, 1*M (2000 AGS Natl Champ)
Dam: CornerStone Farm Terea
DS: CornerStone Farm STS Mark
SS: ARMCH Caesar's Villa CBS Stetson
SD: CornerStone Farm Lydia 2*D
DD: Gay-Mor's RA Midge 4*D
DS: Stonewall's Raising Arizona
DD: Gay-Mor Kneehi Toa Grasshopper 3*D
DOB: April 2010
Height: 21.5"
Abby is a tall young doe with a wonderful general appearance. She freshened with a nice udder that has large, easy to milk teats, good ligament attachments, and decent size. Foreudder looks great. She has a sweet temperament and is very cooperative on the milk stand. If you're looking for a strong doe with great width and ribbing, then she's the doe for you.
Freshenings: Sire: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief *S
2011: Triplets SS: Rosasharn HNC Uproar *S
2012: Single buckling SS: Rosasharn UR Honey Nut Cheerio *S
2013: Single buckling SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Uni 3*D/ 2*M E
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Tom's Bit-a-Lilly 4*D/ 2*M VVE+86
DS: ARMCH Goodwood Tom Thumb +*S (1997 & 2000 AGS BOB)
DD: ARMCH Goodwood Water Lilly 2*D, 1*M (2000 AGS Natl Champ)
Dam: CornerStone Farm Terea
DS: CornerStone Farm STS Mark
SS: ARMCH Caesar's Villa CBS Stetson
SD: CornerStone Farm Lydia 2*D
DD: Gay-Mor's RA Midge 4*D
DS: Stonewall's Raising Arizona
DD: Gay-Mor Kneehi Toa Grasshopper 3*D

DOB: 3/21/14
Ellie is another long bodied and very refined daughter of Guyku. Ellie freshened with an udder that looks similar to her dam's udder. I think with a second freshening her medial will continue to improve. She milked out easily and the udder completely deflates which is wonderful. FF udder picture was taken at 9 days fresh, 12 hr fill. On her first milk test at 9 days fresh she milked a whopping 3.0 pounds. Wow, this girl is going to be a heavy milk producer! Ellie's sons will inherit their *B from her.
Note! Ellie made the Fall 2016 ADGA Elite Doe List for milking in the 97th percentile!
Update! Ellie's 1/2 sister, GCH Elfin Acres Pepper *M EEEV 92 and her maternal aunt, SCGH The Lilac Twinkletoes *M EEEV 91, are now on the 2014 Total Performer Does list meeting the requirements for at least 750 lbs of milk, 60 lbs of butterfat, LA >90, and permanent CH status. Wow!
DOB: 3/21/14
Ellie is another long bodied and very refined daughter of Guyku. Ellie freshened with an udder that looks similar to her dam's udder. I think with a second freshening her medial will continue to improve. She milked out easily and the udder completely deflates which is wonderful. FF udder picture was taken at 9 days fresh, 12 hr fill. On her first milk test at 9 days fresh she milked a whopping 3.0 pounds. Wow, this girl is going to be a heavy milk producer! Ellie's sons will inherit their *B from her.
Note! Ellie made the Fall 2016 ADGA Elite Doe List for milking in the 97th percentile!
Update! Ellie's 1/2 sister, GCH Elfin Acres Pepper *M EEEV 92 and her maternal aunt, SCGH The Lilac Twinkletoes *M EEEV 91, are now on the 2014 Total Performer Does list meeting the requirements for at least 750 lbs of milk, 60 lbs of butterfat, LA >90, and permanent CH status. Wow!
Sire: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku ++*B VEE90
SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *S SD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91 SD: ARMCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH) DS: Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's TL Unagi 4*D, E 91.5 Dam: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+ 86 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio EEE91 SS: GCH Mystic Acres SnapDragon +B SD: Axulia Nefertiti +EE+83 DD: The Daphne Delite DS: Inavale Mel Gibson DD: Toehead Royale Riley |
2015 -Twin doelings x Stayawhile TV Newsworthy *B 2016 - Twin bucklings x Rosasharn NP Honey Moon Cruz *B VVE87 2017 - Dry 2018 - quads (2 doe/2buck) Dill's BJ Curiouser *B |
SGCH AGS HONEY GOAT BLONDIE 1*M VVEE88 (permanent score)

DOB: 05/26/2011 Height: 21.5 inches *LEG*LEG*LEG
Blondie is one of my personal favorites. She is everything I could have hoped for and more! She is very dairy with a level topline, a beautiful rear leg set, well sprung ribs, a smooth front end assembly, wattles, and the sweetest personality you could wish for. Update! Blondie's daughter, Camera Ready, just made the 2015 ADGA Elite Doe List as a FF doe and also earned her Superior Genetics. Her daughter, Mica, also has her Superior Genetics and just freshened and milked 6 pounds on her first DHIA test as a 2F doe. Boy, can these girls put milk in the bucket! All sons will carry *B status in their name.
Blondie is one of my personal favorites. She is everything I could have hoped for and more! She is very dairy with a level topline, a beautiful rear leg set, well sprung ribs, a smooth front end assembly, wattles, and the sweetest personality you could wish for. Update! Blondie's daughter, Camera Ready, just made the 2015 ADGA Elite Doe List as a FF doe and also earned her Superior Genetics. Her daughter, Mica, also has her Superior Genetics and just freshened and milked 6 pounds on her first DHIA test as a 2F doe. Boy, can these girls put milk in the bucket! All sons will carry *B status in their name.
Sire: VOB Blessy's Joker
SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker SS: Irish Whisper Sweet Success SS: Velvet Acres Shazaam's Jester SD: Flat Rocks Sweet Reward SD: Gay-Mor's RA Wood Nymph DS: Stonewall's Raising Arizona +S DD: Gay-Mor's Fleet Kricket 3*D SD: MCH SCF Blessing DS: Prairie Wood Black and Blue SS: Prairie Wood Blue Print SD: Goodwood Rock and Roll DD: Moonshine Acres Libby Sawyer DS: 29 Palms court Jester DD: Moonshine Acres Boogy Shoes Dam: Sugar Creek MT Tressa DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90 SS: Woodhaven Farm Domino VG SS: MCH/PGCH Willow creek Paydirt SD: Woodhaven Farms Laceys Avon SD: GCH Gay-Mor Kingpin's Lacewing 4*D E AGS 2000 Top Ten Millker DS: Gay-Mor Als Vanilla Kingpin DD: Gay-Mor Kneehi Toa Grasshopper 3*D DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1532 DS: Dav-Lyn Toby SS: Goodwood Juniper SD: Dav-Lyn Sugar DD: WGF Rosie *D DS: Dav-Lyn Toby DD: Dav-Lyn Sugar |
2016Show Record *Leg *Leg *Leg
2011 - Best in Show Open Class Kitsap County Fair 2012 - Grand CH Jr Doe - Stanwood, WA (Susan Barker) Grand CH Jr Doe - Kitsap County Fair Open Class 2013 - 1x 2nd, 1x 4th, 1x 6th - SWWDGA - Chehalis, WA 1x 2nd, 1x 4th, 1x 6th - SWWDGA - Chehalis, WA Grand CH Sr Doe - NWABGC - Stanwood, WA (Elizabeth Henning) Grand CH Sr Doe - Kitsap County Fair (unsanctioned) BOB - Kitsap County Fair 2014 - 2nd - NWABGC (Pat Hendrickson) BOB &Grand CH Sr Doe - Kitsap County Fair 2015 - 1x 4th, 2x 5th - SWWDGA Chehalis, WA 2016 - Grand CH Sr Doe - NWABGC (Lynn Benedict) Freshenings: 2013 - twins (1 doe/1buck) out of Poppy Patch CB Blacksmith 2014 - triplets (2 does/1 buck) out of Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86 2016 - triplets (1 doe/2 bucks) out of Stayawhile TV Newsworthy *B 2017 - triplet doelings out of Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme 2018 - single buckling out of Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86 single doeling out of Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentiovo VVV86 2019 - Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo |
SG Stayawhile KJ Check Me Out 5*M VEEV89
DOB: 3/28/2017 BLUE EYES
Stayawhile SG Happy Hour 9*M
DOB: 4/02/2019
Sire: Stayawhile CC Southern Ghost *B
SS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee*B SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker VVEE90 DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 SD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M EEEV91 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe) DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+88 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio DD: The Daphne Delite Dam: Stayawhile CC Happy Ever After 8*M DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee *B SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade*B VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker 3*M VVEE90 DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 DD: Bellafire BP Winter Wedding 7*M VVVV86 DS: Alethia JD Bachelor Party *B SS: Alethia CTO Just Dew It *B "Nike" SD: GCH Buttin'Heads Wedding Proposal 2*M V+EV88 DD: Bellafire WH Against All Odds 6*M DS: Poppy Patch BR With Honesty DD: Alethia CRC Ophelia 5*M +EEE89 |
Stayawhile Captured On Camera 3*M
Sire: Wood Bridge Farm Promisclasact
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Understated SD: CH Atwood Acres Dott SD: CH Wood Bridge Farm Pets Promise (ADGA National JR Champion) DS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn DD: CH Wood Bridge Farm Teacher's Pet Dam: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 Top Ten Performance Doe, Elite x4, GCH/Best Udder x1 DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie VVEE88 |