AI Triplet Doelings - March 10
Sire: Onaqui BQ Sweet Release
Dam: Stayawhile DD Heart's Desire
Dam: Stayawhile DD Heart's Desire
Quads (1B/3D) - March 9
Sire: Stayawhile TV Worth Watching *B (brother to Elite x 4 Top Ten doe, SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91)
Dam: Stayawhile MM Commit To Memory
Dam: Stayawhile MM Commit To Memory

R29 Buckling
R30 Doeling. Stayawhile WW Whistle Worthy
R31 Doeling. Stayawhile WW Whistle Dixie
R32 Doeling. Stayawhile WW Penny Whistle
R30 Doeling. Stayawhile WW Whistle Worthy
R31 Doeling. Stayawhile WW Whistle Dixie
R32 Doeling. Stayawhile WW Penny Whistle
Twins - March 4
Sire: Stayawhile SR Release The Lion
Dam: Stayawhile SP Velvet Crown
Dam: Stayawhile SP Velvet Crown
Single buckling - March 3
Sire: DCP FND New Sheriff In Town
Dam: Stayawhile Black Hills Gold
Dam: Stayawhile Black Hills Gold
Twin Does- Feb 28
Sire: DCP FND New Sheriff In Town
Dam: Stayawhile SG Claim To Fame
Dam: Stayawhile SG Claim To Fame
Twins - Feb 21
Sire: Goat Addiction Ritz Cracker *B
Dam: Stayawhile G True North
Dam: Stayawhile G True North
Triplets - Feb 21
Sire: Valley's-Edge GF Lucidity
Dam: Stayawhile R Picturesque
Dam: Stayawhile R Picturesque
Twin Doelings - Feb 15
Single Doeling - Feb 12
Triplets - Feb 11
Sire: Minterbay H Calculated Risk
Dam: Stayawhile O Shenandoah
Dam: Stayawhile O Shenandoah
Triplet Doelings - Feb 2
Sire: Stayawhile Unrepeatable *B (AI son of CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable *B)
Dam: Stayawhile DPC Lady President 5*M
Dam: Stayawhile DPC Lady President 5*M
Quads (2 bucklings/2 doeling) - Jan 26
Twin Doelings - January 12
Sire: Minterbay H Calculated Risk
SS: Valley's-Edge GF Highlander SD: Stayawhile FIN Final Belle Dam: Stayawhile MW Hello HappiNess DS: Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B DD: Elite MilkNKids MM Your HighNess 1*M |
Triplets (2D/1B) - January 1
Sire: Goat Addiction Ritz Cracker *B
SS: Dill's ROR F I T With A Z SS: Zanzabeez River On The Rocks SD: SGCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92 2013 ADGA National Reserve Champion Sr Doe SD: SGCH Dill's D Likker 3*M VEEE91 DS: Dill's LD Derringer ++B, *S DD: SGCH NC Promisedland RB Moonshine 2*M VEEV90 Dam: Stayawhile Sutter's Gold Claim DS: Castle Rock Sutter's Gold *B DD: Stayawhile Galaxy's Splendor |
Twin Bucklings - December 20
Sire: Goat Addiction Ritz Cracker *B
SS: Dill's ROR F I T With A Z SS: Zanzabeez River On The Rocks SD: SGCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92 2013 ADGA National Reserve Champion Sr Doe SD: SGCH Dill's D Likker 3*M VEEE91 DS: Dill's LD Derringer ++B, *S DD: SGCH NC Promisedland RB Moonshine 2*M VEEV90 Dam: Stayawhile Unimpeachable DS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable *B DD: SG Minterbay HK Hope Solo 4*M VEVE89 |
Triplets (1 buckling/2 doelings) - December 20
Sire: Goat Addiction Ritz Cracker *B
SS: Dill's ROR F I T With A Z SS: Zanzabeez River On The Rocks SD: SGCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92 2013 ADGA National Reserve Champion Sr Doe SD: SGCH Dill's D Likker 3*M VEEE91 DS: Dill's LD Derringer ++B, *S DD: SGCH NC Promisedland RB Moonshine 2*M VEEV90 Dam: Elite SG MilkNKids TMS Storyteller 1*M VEEV88 (FF score) |
Triplets (2 bucklings/1 doeling) - December 19
Sire: Goat Addiction Ritz Cracker *B
SS: Dill's ROR F I T With A Z SS: Zanzabeez River On The Rocks SD: SGCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE92 2013 ADGA National Reserve Champion Sr Doe SD: SGCH Dill's D Likker 3*M VEEE91 DS: Dill's LD Derringer ++B, *S DD: SGCH NC Promisedland RB Moonshine 2*M VEEV90 Dam: Elite SG The TMS Bedtime Story 1*M VEEV87 (FF score) |
Triplets - November 15
Single Doeling - Aug 23
Triplets - June 24
Twins - June 12
Twin Doelings - May 15
Twins - May 15
Twins - May 13
Twins - May 9
Triplets - May 7
Triplets - April 24
Triplets - April 23
Single - April 22
Twins - April 21
Triplets - April 20
AI Twins - April 19
Triplets - April 3
Quads - April 13
Triplets - April 12
Twin Doelings - April 10
Triplet Doelings - April 7
Triplets - April 7
Twins - April 5
Twin bucklings - April 3
Triplets - March 31
Triplets - March 25
Single AI Buckling - March 24
Twin doelings - March 24
Triplets (2 doelings/1 buckling) - March 14
Triplets (2 doelings/1 buckling) - March 11
Sire: DCP FND Royal Flush
Dam: Stayawhile P Southern Accent 5*M
P24 Doeling - solid gold
P25 Doeling - buckskin
P26 Buckling - buckskin
Dam: Stayawhile P Southern Accent 5*M
P24 Doeling - solid gold
P25 Doeling - buckskin
P26 Buckling - buckskin
Single Buckling - March 8
Quints (Single Buckling) - March 6
Single Buckling - March 4
Triplet Doelings - March 2
AI Triplets (2 bucklings/1 doeling) - March 2
Triplets (2 doelings/1 buckling) - Feb 22
Sire: Stayawhile WTM I Can't Wait *B
SS: Springwater AL Wait That's Me *B SD: Sans Gene V Tequila Sunrise 4*M VEVV88 Dam: Stayawhile TB Chatterbox DS: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B DD: J-Nels L Bitter Sweet 1*M EVVE90 |
Single Buckling - Feb 20
Twin Doelings - Feb 20
Sire: DCP FND New Sheriff In Town *B
SS: Agape's Prize Feliz Naughty Da SS: Agape's Prize Axl Rose CQuinn SS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Scarlet Rose 1*M 2018 ADGA National Champion SD: Agape's Prize Ash Wednesday DS: SG Old Mountain Farm Keidan Quinn DD: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Merriment 3*M 2017 ADGA NATional Champion, Best Udder SD: Creekwood Acres Sienna DS: Carrheart RM Stormbringer SS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B SD: CH TX Twincreeks MMD Snowflake DD: TX Twincreeks EN Angelica 3*M EVEV90 DS: SG TX Twincreeks E Edge Of Night *B +VE87 DD: SGCH TX Twincreeks WDF Sarafina 5*D/2*M EEE92 Dam: J-Nels L Bitter Sweet 1*M EVVE90 DS: Rosasharn SH Legend *B SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey +*B, +S VEV87 SS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *S ++*B VEE89 SD: SG ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH) VEEE91 DS: Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's TL Unagi 4*D, E 91.5 DD: J-Nels BB Flirt W/ Me DS: J-Nels DH Be Bop*B +EE86 SS: GCH Algedi Farm DJ Drops of Honey +*B SD: SGCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 2*M VEEE90 DD: CH Caesar's -Villa BT Flirt DS: Caesar's Villa FL Brat in Barn DD: Caesar's Villa STS Flirtatious |
Triplets (2 doelings/1 buckling) - Feb 20
Sire: Stayawhile G Dubyago
SS: Hetlandcreek GL Gibson SS: Alethia SHH Gunsmoke N Lace SD: Algedi Farm MH Moonlace SD: Algedi Farm DJ Melodica DS: Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter DD: Algedi Farm D Capella Dam: Stayawhile ML Florentina 1*M DS: DesertNanny SS Mister Lincon *B VEV87 (1yo) SS: DesertNanny LD Stainless Steel *B SD: DesertNanny BE Lacey Finlandia 3*M DD: Stayawhile HB Whisper My Name DS: DesertNanny BH Huckleberry Blu DD: Stayawhile GK Miyoki 6*M |
Single AI Buckling - Jan 7
Triplets (1B/2D) Jan 2, 2022
Single buckling 12/28/21
Sire: DNA to determine = Valley's Edge GF Lucidity
Dam: TTR's Acres WTP Chakras |
Triplets (1b/2d) 12/28/21
Quads (2/2) 12/28/21
Sire: DNA to determine
Dam: Elite SG MilkNKids TMS Storyteller 1*M VEEV88 (FF score) N137 Stayawhile L Lucy's Lion Story (Sire: Stayawhile SR Release The Lion) N138 Stayawhile CID Best Story Ever (Sire: Valley's-Edge GF Lucidity) |
Triplets (2b/1d) 12/28/21
Triplets (2b/1d) 12/28/21
Twins (1b/1d) 12/16/21
Single Doeling 9/21/21
Sire: DCP KS King's Gambit *B
Dam: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 (permanent score)
Dam: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 (permanent score)
Quads (2/2) 8/22/21
Twins 8/12/21
Twin Bucklings 7/18/21
Sire: DCP KS King's Gambit *B
Dam: Stayawhile TV Satellite Image 1*M (polled) |
Twins 6/20/21
Quads 6/19/21
Single Doeling 6/12/21
Triplets 6/11/21
N112 Buckling. Gold. N113 Buckling. Buckskin. N114 Doeling. Black
Twins 6/01/21
Single Doeling 5/29/21
Twin Bucklings 5/28/21
Twin Bucklings 5/27/21
Single Buckling 5/26/21
Twins 5/22/21
Single AI Doeling 5/18/21
AI Twins 5/17/21
Single AI Doeling 5/16/21
Twins 5/13/21
Triplets 5/11/21
Twins 5/11/21
Twin bucklings 5/08/21
Triplets 5/06/21
N86 Buckling. Buckskin N87 Buckling. Buckskin with roaning. N88 Doeling. Solid chocolate
Single Buckling 5/06/21
N85: Buckling. Solid dark gold
Single Buckling 5/02/21
Twin AI Doelings 5/01/21
N82 Doelling Gold with white on right side. Stayawhile Sutter's Gold Claim
N83 Doeling Gold with white on right rear leg. Stayawhile Vein Of Gold
Triplet Doelings 5/01/21
Twin Bucklings 4/28/21
Triplet Doelings 4/11/21
Quads (2B/2D) 4/10/21
Single Buckling 4/08/21
Twin bucks 4/07/21
Twin bucks 4/06/21
Triplets 3/29/21
Single Buckling 3/17/21
Triplets 3/13/21
Single Doeling 3/01/21
Twins 3/01/21
Triplets 3/01/21
Single AI Doeling 2/28/21
Twin Doelings 2/27/21
Twins 2/27/21
Sire: Stayawhile TB Jawbreaker *B
SS: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B SD: Stayawhle CR Gold Dust 5*M VVVV86 (FF score) Dam: Stayawhile FIN Sincerity DS: Stayawhile KJ Finale +*B DD: J-Nels L Bitter Sweet 1*M VEEE90 |
Triplet Bucklings 2/24/21
Twins 2/23/21
Sire: Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B
SS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever +B SS: Rosasharn Unique 4D Milk SD: QSF Xenia Chex SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M VVE+86 DS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rodgers *B VVE88 DD: Poppy Patch Almost An Angel SD: SG Pholia Farm Moonlaced ByDesign 4*M (Elite) VEEV88 DS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby +*B SS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B VEE90 SD: SG NC Promisedland PAL Paloma 1*M VEEE90 DD: Pholia Farm DN Martha 3*M VEVV87 DS: GCH Pholia Farm CF Doenut +*B VEV88 DD: Pholia Farm RA Puzzle 2*M VEEE90 Dam: Stayawhile SG Juneau Wildfire |
Quads (2b/2d) - 2/13/21
N38 Buckling. Stayawhile WW Titanium Joe
N39 Buckling. Stayawhile WW Grand Slam N40 Doeling. Stayawhile WW Life Is Good N41 Doeling. Stayawhile WW Life Is Sweet |
Sire: Stayawhile TV Worth Watching
SS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B SD: Almar Acres WM Fireproof 5*M Dam: Stayawhile P Darya 4*M DS: Stayawhile CR Pulitzer *B SS: SG Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1yr) SD: Stayawhile TV Red Pixels 1*M DD: Stayawhile CC Southern Sweet 3*M DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B DD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M VEVE89 |
Triplets (2b/1d) - 2/13/21
Sire: Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B
SS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever +B SS: Rosasharn Unique 4D Milk SD: QSF Xenia Chex SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M VVE+86 DS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rodgers *B VVE88 DD: Poppy Patch Almost An Angel SD: SG Pholia Farm Moonlaced ByDesign 4*M (Elite) VEEV88 DS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby +*B SS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B VEE90 SD: SG NC Promisedland PAL Paloma 1*M VEEE90 DD: Pholia Farm DN Martha 3*M VEVV87 DS: GCH Pholia Farm CF Doenut +*B VEV88 DD: Pholia Farm RA Puzzle 2*M VEEE90 Dam: Leisure Time GQ Bling DS: Leisure Time ZZ GQ *B SS: Hetlandcreek Sharp Dressed Man SD: Leisure Time Sophisticatedlady 2*M VEEV89 DD: Leisure Time Fav Colr Is Krome 4*M +VEV86 DS: Leisure Time GL Satyr *B +EV84 DD: Leisure Time TW Mercedes 3*M +VE+84 |
Twins (1b/1d) - 2/13/21
Triplet Doelings - 2/12/21
Sire: Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B
SS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever +B SS: Rosasharn Unique 4D Milk SD: QSF Xenia Chex SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M VVE+86 DS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rodgers *B VVE88 DD: Poppy Patch Almost An Angel SD: SG Pholia Farm Moonlaced ByDesign 4*M (Elite) VEEV88 DS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby +*B SS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B VEE90 SD: SG NC Promisedland PAL Paloma 1*M VEEE90 DD: Pholia Farm DN Martha 3*M VEVV87 DS: GCH Pholia Farm CF Doenut +*B VEV88 DD: Pholia Farm RA Puzzle 2*M VEEE90 Dam: The LL Top Secret DS: MilkNKids MM Leave A Legacy SS: Urban Acres MS Man In The Moon *B SD: Tualatin Acres Charlie Cupcake DD: MilkNKids MM Your Highness 1*M DS: Urban Acres MS Man In The Moon *B DD: Goat-ER-Done CC Charishma |
Triplets (2b/1d) - 2/11/21
Sire: Stayawhile TB Jawbreaker *B
SS: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B SD: Stayawhle CR Gold Dust 5*M VVVV86 (FF score) Dam: 3W Farm COY Coconut Mocha 1*M DS: Fox Valley AOI Crazy Over You SS: CH Old Mountain Farm All Over It EEE91 SD: Fox Valley Fiddle Dee Dee 2*M VEEV88 DD: Flower Lion Farm MB Cedar DS: Flower Lion Farm FT Mulberry DD: GCH Lost Prairie VL Heartbreaker 1*M EEEE91 Elite |
Triplets (1b/2d) - 2/08/21
Sire: Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B
SS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever +B SS: Rosasharn Unique 4D Milk SD: QSF Xenia Chex SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M VVE+86 DS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rodgers *B VVE88 DD: Poppy Patch Almost An Angel SD: SG Pholia Farm Moonlaced ByDesign 4*M (Elite) VEEV88 DS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby +*B SS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B VEE90 SD: SG NC Promisedland PAL Paloma 1*M VEEE90 DD: Pholia Farm DN Martha 3*M VEVV87 DS: GCH Pholia Farm CF Doenut +*B VEV88 DD: Pholia Farm RA Puzzle 2*M VEEE90 Dam: Stayawhile TV Showcase 2*M DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE89 |
Triplets (2b/1d) - 2/07/21
Sire: Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B
SS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever +B SS: Rosasharn Unique 4D Milk SD: QSF Xenia Chex SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M VVE+86 DS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rodgers *B VVE88 DD: Poppy Patch Almost An Angel SD: SG Pholia Farm Moonlaced ByDesign 4*M (Elite) VEEV88 DS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby +*B SS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B VEE90 SD: SG NC Promisedland PAL Paloma 1*M VEEE90 DD: Pholia Farm DN Martha 3*M VEVV87 DS: GCH Pholia Farm CF Doenut +*B VEV88 DD: Pholia Farm RA Puzzle 2*M VEEE90 Dam: MilkNKids MM Your Highness 1*M Elite |
Quads (2/2) - 2/06/21
Sire: Stayawhile TB Jawbreaker *B
Dam: SG (Elite) Stayawhile CR Southern Gem 3*M VEVE+86 (FF score) |
AI Buck/Doe Twins 2/03/21
Triplets Bucks 2/03/21)
Single Doeling 2/03/21
Sire: Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B
SS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever +B SS: Rosasharn Unique 4D Milk SD: QSF Xenia Chex SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M VVE+86 DS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rodgers *B VVE88 DD: Poppy Patch Almost An Angel SD: SG Pholia Farm Moonlaced ByDesign 4*M (Elite) VEEV88 DS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby +*B SS: SG NC Promisedland Ram-Beau ++*B VEE90 SD: SG NC Promisedland PAL Paloma 1*M VEEE90 DD: Pholia Farm DN Martha 3*M VEVV87 DS: GCH Pholia Farm CF Doenut +*B VEV88 DD: Pholia Farm RA Puzzle 2*M VEEE90 Dam: Long Acres Farm FS Perugina 3*M DS: Stayawhile HC Forged Steel *B SS: Rosasharn NP Honey Moon Cruz *B VVE87 SS: Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B VVV88 SD: Rosasharn BB Honey Moon 4*M VEV+84 SD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 Top Ten Performance Doe/ Elite x5/ 1xGCH & Best Udder DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 DD: SGCH Blue Bear DFMI Truffles 2*M ++VE86 DS: Poppy Patch Don't Fence Me In VVE87 SS: Algedi Farm MH Buck Rogers *B VVE88 SD: CH Poppy Patch Not Quite An Angel DD: SGCH Blue Bear BD Hershey Kisses 1*M VEEE90 DS: SG Camanna BJ Blue Dakota VVE87 DD: SG Blue Bear Easter Bunny VVE+86 |
AI Buck/Doe Twins 2/01/21
Triplets - 1/17/21
Quads - 1/17/21
Single Buckling - 1/15/21
2020 New Arrivals
Triplets (2 bucklings/1 doeling)
DOB: 8/15/20
Single Buckling!
DOB: 6/05/20
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 5/29/20
Triplet AI Bucklings!
DOB: 5/25/20
Sire: Onaqui BQ Sweet Release
SS: Old Mountain Farm Bravo Quinn SS: Old Mountain Farm Maenar Quinn SD: Old Mountain Farm Tao-Dah! SD: Onaqui BH Sweet Elk DS: Old Mountain Farm Bold Hart DD: Creamery Creek TS SweetNCreamy Dam: MilkNKids MM Your Highness DS: Urban Acres MS Man in the Moon *B SS: GCH Camanna LI Moonlight Symphony *B SS: Dill's D Lucky's Image *B SD: SGCH Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata EEEE91 SD: SGCH Urban Acres SD Blue Bonnet 2*M 3x ADGA Top Ten & Total Performer doe DS: Alexanderfarm BW Studlydorite *B DD: SG Copper Peny Blue Eyed Susan 1*M DD: Goat-ER-Done CC Charishma DS: Proctor Hill Farm Cajun Chief +V+84 SS: Tx Twincreeks SEM Indiansummer *B SS: Lost Valley TB Seminole *S SD: MCH/PGCH Twin Creeks Midsummernightdream 2*D/1*M EEEE91 SD: Dragonfly RY Mardi Gras +++A81 DS: Caesars Villa BB Rebel Yell *S DD: ARMCH Flat Rocks Here for the Party *D E EEEV90 DD: SG Gladdie Acres Macchiato 2*M VV++84 (1 yo) DS: SGCH Copper Penny MTB Money To Burn +B ++E84 DD: SG Deer Run ND Beryl 1*M |
Single Buckling!
DOB: 5/25/20
Triplets! (2 bucklings/1 doeling)
DOB: 5/24/20
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 5/23/20
Twins! (buck/doe) NUBIAN
DOB: 4/27/20
Triplets! (2 doelings/1 buckling)
DOB: 4/26/20
Sire: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm All Over It *B EEE91 SD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon DD: Prairie Wood PB Milky Way Dam: Stayawhile ML Florentina |
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 4/22/20
Triplets! (2 Doelings/1 Buckling)
DOB: 4/19/20
Sire: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86
SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M, E 91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 Nat'l Show CH Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV 87 Dam: SG Stayawhile NW Contessa 4*M EEEE90 DS: SG Stayawhile TV Newsworthy +B DD: SG Hidden Gems GK Aulani 3*M EVEV91 |
Single Buckling!
DOB: 4/19/20
Twins! (Buck/Doe)
DOB: 4/14/20
Single Buckling!
DOB: 4/12/20
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 4/10/20
Sire: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm All Over It *B EEE91 SD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon DD: Prairie Wood PB Milky Way Dam: Stayawhile Captured On Camera DS: Wood Bridge Farm PromisClasAct DD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 |
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 4/10/20
Triplets! (2 Doelings, 1 Buckling)
DOB: 4/09/20
Sire: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm All Over It *B EEE91 SD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon DD: Prairie Wood PB Milky Way Dam: J-Nels L Bitter Sweet DS: Rosasharn SH Legend DD: J-Nels BB Flirt W/ Me |
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 4/09/20
Single Buckling!
DOB: 4/09/20
Triplets! (2 bucklings/1 doeling)
DOB: 4/09/20
Twins! (buck/doe)
DOB: 4/08/20
Triplets! (2 bucklings/1 doeling)
DOB: 4/07/20
Sire: Stayawhile CR Notorious *B
SS: SG Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) SD: KW Farms PS Maybelline 1*M Dam: Stayawhile B Southern Proper DS: Stayawhile CR I Got Your Black *B DD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M EEEV91 |
Single Doeling!
DOB: 4/04/20
Sire: Stayawhile CR Notorious *B
SS: SG Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) SD: KW Farms PS Maybelline 1*M Dam: Stayawhile P Galina DS: Stayawhile CR Pulitzer *B DD: Stayawhile CC Southern Sweet 3*M DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B DD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M EEEV91 |
Twin bucklings!
DOB: 4/04/20
Twins! (buck/doe) - AI breeding
DOB: 4/03/20
Sire: Springwater AL Wait That's Me *B
Dam: Sans Gene V Tequila Sunrise 4*M VEVV88 DS: Sans Gene K Voyager VVV86 (1yo) SS: Poppy Patch HB Evel Knievel VEE90 SS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay SD: CH Honey Goat Domingo SD: Caprinos RI Night Jasmine EEEE91 DS: Pholia Farm KM Riot +*B V+E87 DD: Goodnight Tahoma Violet +VE+84 DD: Sans Gene DE Delta Blues VVEE89 DS: Sans Gene GT Doppler Effect VEE88 SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SD: Caprinos RI Night Jasmine 1*M EEEE91 DD: CH Sans Gene K Zydeco EEEV90 DS: Poppy Patch HB Evel Knievel VEE90 DD: Caprinos TMM Lucienne EEEV90 |
Twins! (buck/doe)
DOB: 4/13/20
Sire: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm All Over It *B EEE91 SD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon DD: Prairie Wood PB Milky Way Dam: 3W Farm COY Coconut Mocha |
Twins! (buck/doe)
DOB: 4/01/20
Sire: Helandcreek GL Gibson
SS: Alethia SHH Gunsmoke N Lace SS: Algedi Farm Smokin' Hot Honey SS: Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter SD: Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey SD: Algedi Farm MH Moonlace DS: Algedi Farm MB Manuk Honey DD: Rosasharn's TL Zenith SD: Algedi Farm DJ Melodica DS: Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter DD: Algedi Farm D Capella Dam: Stayawhile CC Corona Flare DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gen GT Creme Brulee *B SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade SD: Pholia Farm HB Flicker SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey DS: Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter DD: Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey DD: Poppy Patch OR Andromeda 1*M DS: Alethia DJ Orion SS: Algedi Farm Drops Of Jupiter SD: Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna DD: Poppy Patch HB Lady In Red DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay DD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey |
Twins! (buck/doe)
DOB: 3/30/20
Sire: Desertnanny SS Mister Lincoln *B VEV87 (1 yr)
SS: Desertnanny LD Stainless Steel *B SS: Desertnanny BBB Luck Dragon *S *B SS: Desertnanny BR Blueberrybuckle *S *B SD: GCH Desertnanny IM Wood Nymph 2*D 2*M AR SD: GCH Desertnanny BR Floribunda 4*M AR 4*D VEEV88 DS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S +B V87 DD: Desertnanny Iced Rosebud 3*D 3*M SD: Desertnanny BE Lacey Finlandia 3*M AR DS: Ironwoodranch AS Bree *S +B SS: Rosasharn BB Aslan *S SD: Ironwoodranch SJ Gingersnap 3*D 3*M DD: SGCH MCH Desertnanny Icy Blue Skyy 2*M 3*D AR DS: Twin Creeks Icy Hot++S ++B DD: SG Esperanza RF La Madrina 2*D 1*M V89 Dam: Stayawhile FIN Ancient Fable DS: Stayawhile KJ Finale *B DD: SG The TMS Bedtime Story 2*M VEEV87 (Elite) |
Triplets! (2 bucks/1 doe)
DOB: 3/29/20
Twins! (Buck/doe)
DOB: 3/29/20
Single Doeling!
DOB: 3/28/20
Sire: Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B
Dam: Loperrized JT I'm A Jet Setter DS: Loperrized JS Jettie SS: CH Almar Acres O Leroy Jethro G *B EEE90 SD: Almar Acres HS Smoky Sky DD: Stayawhile CC Ice Cream DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 |
Single AI Buckling!
DOB: 3/27/20

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Stag Party
Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M EEEV91
Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M EEEV91
Triplets! (2 bucks/ 1 doe)
DOB: 3/26/20
Sire: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone
SS: CH Old Mountain Farm All Over It EEE91 SS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B SS: NC Promisedland Sayit Againsam *B SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Oliv A Suddon 3*M EEVV89 SD: GCH Old Mountain Farm Natasha DS: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Black Tulip ++*B DD: Old Mountain Farm Eleanor RW 2*M SD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae 2*M VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon +*BVVE86 SS: Buttin'Heads Containerised *B EEE91 SD: Buttin'Heads Ambrosha 1*M VEEE90 DD: SGCH Prairie Wood PB Milky Way 1*M +VVE88 DS: GCH Prairie Wood Pinnacle Blues +B DD: Nizhoni's Gloria Dam: Stayawhile CR Gold Dust 5*M VVVV86 (FF score) DS: SG Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) DD: SG Four Cedars EB Julep 4*M |
Triplets! (2 bucks/1 doe)
DOB: 3/24/20
Twins! (doe/buck)
DOB: 3/24/20
Quads! (2 Doelings, 2 Bucklings)
DOB: 3/22/20
Quads! (3 Doelings, 1 Buckling)
DOB: 3/16/20
M37: Black doeling. Stayawhile P Elegant Gem M38: Black doeling. Stayawhile P Optimist Daughter M39: Black doeling. Stayawhile P Laramer Gem M40: Black buckling.
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 3/15/20
Quadruplet Doelings!
DOB: 3/12/20
M31: Doeling. Gold w/ small moon spot on right leg. Stayawhile GN UnMistake N
M32: Doeling. Gold w/ small moonspot on nose. Stayawhile GN Not Forgot N M33: Doeling. Stayawhile GN N Courage M34: Doeling. Chocolate buckskin with moonspots. Stayawhile GN Girls Gliss N |
Sire: Tua Farms MB I'm Gold N *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm M Bold N SD: Camanna RA Uliana 1*M Dam: Stayawhile Under A Violet Moon 7*M VEEV88 DS: Rosasharn NP Honey Moon Cruz *B VVE87 DD: Bellafire WH Against All Odds 6*M |
Single Doeling!
DOB: 3/09/20
Sire: Stayawhile CR Notorious *B
SS: SG Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 SD: KW Farms PS Maybelline 1*M +VVV87 Dam: Stayawhile TV Channel Surfer 1*M +EE+85 (FF score) DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B VVV86 DD: Loperrized TTM Monster Mutt |
Triplets! (2 doelings/1 buckling)
DOB: 3/05/20
Sire: Flower Lion Farm AOI Toblerone
SS: CH Old Mountain Farm All Over It EEE91 SS: Old Mountain Farm Oliver Again *B SS: NC Promisedland Sayit Againsam *B SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Oliv A Suddon 3*M EEVV89 SD: GCH Old Mountain Farm Natasha DS: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Black Tulip ++*B DD: Old Mountain Farm Eleanor RW 2*M SD: GCH Tall & Small BHL Ezmae 2*M VEEE90 DS: Buttin'Heads Leucon +*BVVE86 SS: Buttin'Heads Containerised *B EEE91 SD: Buttin'Heads Ambrosha 1*M VEEE90 DD: SGCH Prairie Wood PB Milky Way 1*M +VVE88 DS: GCH Prairie Wood Pinnacle Blues +B DD: Nizhoni's Gloria Dam: Stayawhile CC Southern Sweet VVV+84 (FF score) DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee *B SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker 3*M VVEE90 DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 DD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M EEEV91 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe) DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+88 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio DD: The Daphne Delite |
Single Buckling!
DOB: 3/01/20
Sire: Stayawhile KJ Finale *B
SS: Minterbay HK Koji *B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: Hope Hollow Milkshake DS: Poppy Patch WM Mischief Maker SS: Poppy Patch Wildmanofmontesano SD: Poppy Patch RC Cry Baby Blues DD: Hope Hollow Zipper Dee Do Dah DS: Hope Hollow Snowman Ballad DD: Flat Rocks Fire Water DS: MCH Flat Rocks Fox Fire"E" DD: Flat Rocks Ginn Fizz |
Twins! (Buck/Doe)
DOB: 2/20/20
Sire: Stayawhile CR Notorious *B
SS: SG Dill’s BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) SD: KW Farms PS Maybelline 1*M Dam: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker SD: MCH SCF Blessing DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90 DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1532 |
DOB: 2/10/20 - Unfortunately, WPB kidded during the night out in the pasture on day 136 (premature) and only one of her doelings survived.
Sire: Leisure Time TW Moonwalker *B
SS: GCH Leisure Time CF The Works +*B VEE89 SS: Take Heart Cabin Fever +B SD: Poppy Patch BR Blu Gypsy Angel 1*M VVE+86 SD: SG Pholia Farm Moonlaced ByDesign 4*M (Elite) VEEV88 DS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby +*B DD: Pholia Farm DN Martha 3*M VEVV87 Dam: Stayawhile TV Work Party Blues DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B VVV87 (1 yr) SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (2012 Natl Show 1st place dry yearling) DD: Urban Acres FS Im Workin On It 1*M +VVV86 DS: Urban Acres HB Full Sail DD: Urban Acres WC Truffle 3*M |
Triplets! (2 Doelings/ 1 buckling)
DOB: 2/06/20
Sire: Stayawhile DPC GoPro Or GoHome *B
SS: Stayawhile FIN Dash Cam Pro*B SS: Stayawhile KJ Finale *B SD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready2*M VEEE91 (Top Ten Performance Doe, Elite x 4) SD: Minterbay HK Hope Solo4*M VEVE89 DS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku*B DD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 Dam: Stayawhile TV Showcase DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B VVV86 SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M, E 91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 Nat'l Show CH Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV 87 DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker SD: MCH SCF Blessing DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90 DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1532 |
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 1/27/20
Sire: Tua Farms MB I'm Gold N *B
SS: Old Mountain Farm M Bold N SD: Camanna RA Uliana 1*M Dam: Stayawhile TV Satellite Image DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B DD: Loperrized TTM Monster Truck +EE87 |
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 1/26/20
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 1/26/20
Twins! (Buck/Doe)
DOB: 1/26/20
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 1/21/20
Sire: Stayawhile CC Rocket Fuel
SS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SD: Poppy Patch OR Andromeda 1*M +VVV86 Dam: SG Minterbay HK Hope Solo 4*M VEVE89 DS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B DD: SG Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 |
Single Doeling!
DOB: 1/21/20
Sire: Highland Ranch NW Seattletimes *B
SS: SG Stayawhile TV Newsworthy +*B SS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86 (1-04) +B SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (1st place Milking Yearling 2011 ADGA Nationals) SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku ++*B VEE90 DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower SD: Highland Ranch 8SR Ravenna 1*M VEVV88 DS: Hetlandcreek TT 8 Second Ride *B SS: Alethia DJ Triton +*B VEV88 SD: Algedi Farm CK Seirene Song 6*M VEVE91 DD: Blue Bear A Dilettante DS: Blue Bear BD Andante VEV88 DD: SGCH Blue Bear BD Hershey Kisses 1*M VEEE90 Dam: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready2*M VEEE91 (Top Ten Performance Doe, Elite x 4, GCH/Best Udder x 1) DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo +B DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 |
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 1/21/20
Sire: Stayawhile SG Ice Age Blues *B
SS: Stayawhile CC Southern Ghost *B SD: SG MilkNKids MM Thin Ice Blues 1*M Dam: SG MilkNKids TMS Storyteller 1*M VEEV88 (FF score) (Elite Doe 2019) DS: Windy Gorge HJ Thats My Story *B DD: Goat-ER-Done CC Charishma |
Single Buckling!
DOB: 1/09/20
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 1/07/20
Sire: Stayawhile DPC GoPro Or GoHome *B
SS: Stayawhile FIN Dash Cam Pro*B SS: Stayawhile KJ Finale *B SD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready2*M VEEE91 (Top Ten Performance Doe, Elite x 4) SD: Minterbay HK Hope Solo4*M VEVE89 DS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku*B DD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M EEEE91 Dam: Highland Ranch NW Denalisunset +VV+84 (FF score) DS: *SG Stayawhile TV Newsworthy +*B VVVV SS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV 86 (at 1 year) SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (2011 ADGA Nat'l CH Dry Yearling) SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 DD: Hidden Gems PSC Flower DD: Highland Ranch MM Talkeetna +VVV86 DS: Camanna RZ Moonlight Mojo ++E83 SS: Rosasharn SH Zahtar *B SD: Sugar-Pine SL Moonlight Molly DD: CH Blue Bear BD Little Willow EEEE91 DS: Camanna BJ Blue Dakota DD: CH Blue Bear SB Afternoon Delight |
Single Doeling!
DOB: 1/07/20
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 1/02/20
Sire: Stayawhile CR Notorious *B
SS: SG Dill’s BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) SD: KW Farms PS Maybelline 1*M Dam: Third Planet FN Peony 1*M DS: Stayawhile KJ Finale *B SS: Minterbay HK Koji *B SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DD: Mtn Lodge Nootka Rose DS: Mtn Lodge RD Moondancer SS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby SD: Pholia Farm DN Vera DD: Mtn Lodge BR Leah DS: Rosasharn SH Uni's Bryce DD: Pholia Farm DB Leibshen |
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 10/15/19
Sire: MilkNKids MM Leave A Legacy
SS: Urban Acres MS Man in the Moon *B SS: GCH Camanna LI Moonlight Symphony *B SS: Dill's D Lucky's Image *B SD: SGCH Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata EEEE91 SD: SGCH Urban Acres SD Blue Bonnet 2*M 3x ADGA Top Ten & Total Performer doe DS: Alexanderfarm BW Studlydorite *B DD: SG Copper Peny Blue Eyed Susan 1*M SD: Tualatin Acres Charlie Cupcake DS: Camanna CT Charlie DD: Tualatin Acres Dakota Oreo Dam: MilkNKids MM Your Highness DS: Urban Acres MS Man in the Moon *B SS: GCH Camanna LI Moonlight Symphony *B SS: Dill's D Lucky's Image *B SD: SGCH Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata EEEE91 SD: SGCH Urban Acres SD Blue Bonnet 2*M 3x ADGA Top Ten & Total Performer doe DS: Alexanderfarm BW Studlydorite *B DD: SG Copper Peny Blue Eyed Susan 1*M DD: Goat-ER-Done CC Charishma DS: Proctor Hill Farm Cajun Chief +V+84 SS: Tx Twincreeks SEM Indiansummer *B SS: Lost Valley TB Seminole *S SD: MCH/PGCH Twin Creeks Midsummernightdream 2*D/1*M EEEE91 SD: Dragonfly RY Mardi Gras +++A81 DS: Caesars Villa BB Rebel Yell *S DD: ARMCH Flat Rocks Here for the Party *D E EEEV90 DD: SG Gladdie Acres Macchiato 2*M VV++84 (1 yo) DS: SGCH Copper Penny MTB Money To Burn +B ++E84 DD: SG Deer Run ND Beryl 1*M |
Single Doeling!
DOB: 6/19/19
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 6/19/19
Twins! (Buck/Doe)
DOB: 6/15/19
Twins! (Buck/Doe)
DOB: 6/02/19
Triplets! (2 Doelings/1 Buckling)
DOB: 6/02/19
Sire: Honey Goat TB Onyx
SS: Rosasharn TL Thunderbird SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L +*S, ++B SD: Rosasharn M Leyenda SD: Honey Goat Abbondanza DS: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief DD: CornerStone Farm Terea Dam: Stayawhile FIN Always Dreaming 2*M DS: Stayawhile KJ Finale DD: Hope Hollow Mischief Managed 1*M |
Triplets! (2 Bucklings/1 Doeling)
DOB: 6/01/19
Sire: Stayawhile CR Notorious *B
SS: SG Dill's BJ Curiouser *B SD: KW Farms PS Maybelline 1*M Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Sthern Elegance 2*M VVVV88 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+86 |
Single Doeling!
DOB: 5/29/19
Single Doeling!
DOB: 5/29/19
Sire: Stayawhile CR Notorious *B
SS: SG Dill’s BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) SD: KW Farms PS Maybelline 1*M Dam: Third Planet FN Peony 1*M DS: Stayawhile KJ Finale *B SS: Minterbay HK Koji *B SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DD: Mtn Lodge Nootka Rose DS: Mtn Lodge RD Moondancer SS: Sugar Moon Rocky Dolby SD: Pholia Farm DN Vera DD: Mtn Lodge BR Leah DS: Rosasharn SH Uni's Bryce DD: Pholia Farm DB Leibshen |
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 5/28/19
Sire: Honey Goat TB Onyx
SS: Rosasharn TL Thunderbird SS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Tiger L ++*S, ++B SD: Rosasharn M Leyenda SD: Honey Goat Abbondanza DS: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief *S *B DD: CornerStone Farm Terea Dam: Stayawhile TV Red Pixels 1*M VEEV88 DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV87 SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B*S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (2012 Natl Show 1st place Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV87 DD: Algedi Farm OR Andromeda 1*M DS: Alethia DJ Orion *B SS: CH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter EEE 91 *B*S SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 SD: CH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna VEVE90 DS: Copper Penny Royal Kaliber DD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 DD: CH Poppy Patch HB Lady in Red DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay *B*S SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay ++*B++*S SD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: CH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter EEE 91 *B*S DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 |
Twins (Buck/Doe)!
DOB: 5/20/19
Sire: Stayawhile FIN Dash Cam Pro
SS: Stayawhile KJ Finale *B SS: Minterbay HK Koji *B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse EEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta SD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 (4 yrs) 3x Elite List; 2018 TOP TEN List for all three categories DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86 SS: Algedi FArm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 ADGA National 1st dry yearling) DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa Dam: Almar Acres WM Fireproof DS: TX Twincreeks RM Watermark +B SS: Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B VV+85 (@1-02) SD: CH TX Twincreeks PKM Brownbetty +VVV86 DD: CH Castle Rock Fire N Spice 4*M +EEE88 (2yrs) DS: Castle Rock Sugar Daddy *B DD: SGCH Castle Rock Wildfire 3*M VEEE90 |
Twin AI Bucklings!
DOB: 5/19/19
Sire: Old Mountain Farm M Bold N *B
SS: Old mountain Farm Sayomis *B SD: Old Mountain Farm Fat Tuesday Dam: Sans Gene V Tequila Sunrise 4*M DS: Sans Gene K Voyager VVV86 (1yo) SS: Poppy Patch HB Evel Knievel VEE90 SS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay SD: CH Honey Goat Domingo SD: Caprinos RI Night Jasmine EEEE91 DS: Pholia Farm KM Riot +*B V+E87 DD: Goodnight Tahoma Violet +VE+84 DD: Sans Gene DE Delta Blues VVEE89 DS: Sans Gene GT Doppler Effect VEE88 SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SD: Caprinos RI Night Jasmine 1*M EEEE91 DD: CH Sans Gene K Zydeco EEEV90 DS: Poppy Patch HB Evel Knievel VEE90 DD: Caprinos TMM Lucienne EEEV90 |
Triplet Bucklings!
DOB: 5/15/19
Single Buckling!
DOB: 5/12/19
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 5/08/19
Triplet Doelings!
DOB: 5/04/19
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 4/27/19
Sire: Stayawhile KJ Finale *B
SS: Minterbay HK Koji *B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: J-Nels L BitterSweet 1*M DS: Rosasharn SH Legend *B SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey +*B, +S VEV87 SS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *S ++*B VEE89 SD: SG ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE 91 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH) VEEE91 DS: Doe-Sy-Doe's Patte'n DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's TL Unagi 4*D, E 91.5 DD: J-Nels BB Flirt W/ Me DS: J-Nels DH Be Bop*B +EE86 SS: GCH Algedi Farm DJ Drops of Honey +*B SD: SGCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 2*M VEEE90 DD: CH Caesar's -Villa BT Flirt DS: Caesar's Villa FL Brat in Barn DD: Caesar's Villa STS Flirtatious |
Twin Bucklings!
DOB: 4/15/19
Sire: Stayawhile FIN Dash Cam Pro *B
SS: Stayawhile KJ Finale*B SS: Minterbay HK Koji*B SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta SD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 (4 yrs) 3x Elite List; 2018 TOP TEN List for all three categories DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86 SS: Algedi FArm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 ADGA National 1st dry yearling) DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa Dam: Stayawhile SB Atomic Blonde DS: Stayawhile HB Seto Blue SS: Desertnanny BH Huckleberry Blu SS: Desertnanny BBB Blue Haboob *B SD: Desertnanny BE Woodland Fawn SD: SG Stayawhile GK Kaori VVVV86 (FF score) DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE90 DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 DD: Stayawhile CC Ice Cream DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme*B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee *B SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV 87 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker SD: MCH SCF Blessing DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B EX 90 DD: WGF Rosie *D |
Single Buckling!
DOB: 4/03/19
Sire: Desertnanny SS Mister Lincoln *B VEV87 (1 yr)
SS: Desertnanny LD Stainless Steel *B SS: Desertnanny BBB Luck Dragon *S *B SS: Desertnanny BR Blueberrybuckle *S *B SD: GCH Desertnanny IM Wood Nymph 2*D 2*M AR SD: GCH Desertnanny BR Floribunda 4*M AR 4*D VEEV88 DS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S +B V87 DD: Desertnanny Iced Rosebud 3*D 3*M SD: Desertnanny BE Lacey Finlandia 3*M AR DS: Ironwoodranch AS Bree *S +B SS: Rosasharn BB Aslan *S SD: Ironwoodranch SJ Gingersnap 3*D 3*M DD: SGCH MCH Desertnanny Icy Blue Skyy 2*M 3*D AR DS: Twin Creeks Icy Hot++S ++B DD: SG Esperanza RF La Madrina Dam: Stayawhile CR Gold Dust 5*M DS: SG Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) DD: SG Four Cedars EB Julep 4*M |
Triplet Doelings!
DOB: 4/02/19
Sire: Stayawhile CC Southern Ghost *B
SS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 SD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm VEVE89 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe) DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+88 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio DD: The Daphne Delite Dam: Stayawhile CC Happy Ever After DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee *B SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade*B VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker 3*M VVEE90 DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 DD: Bellafire BP Winter Wedding 7*M VVVV86 DS: Alethia JD Bachelor Party *B SS: Alethia CTO Just Dew It *B "Nike" SD: GCH Buttin'Heads Wedding Proposal 2*M V+EV88 DD: Bellafire WH Against All Odds 6*M DS: Poppy Patch BR With Honesty DD: Alethia CRC Ophelia 5*M +EEE89 |
Triplet Doelings!
DOB: 4/01/19
Sire: Stayawhile CR Notorious *B
SS: Dill’s BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) SD: KW Farms PS Maybelline 1*M Dam: Stayawhile CR Southern Gem DS: Dill’s BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 Yr) DD: SG Hidden Gems GK Sthern Elegance 2*M VVVV88 |
Twins! (1 buckling/ 1 doeling)
DOB: 3/31/19
Sire: Stayawhile CC Southern Ghost *B
SS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 SD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm VEVE89 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe) DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+88 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio DD: The Daphne Delite Dam: Milknkids TMS Storyteller DS: Windy Gorge HJ Thats My Story *B SS: Almar Acres O Leroy Jethro VVV86 SS: Rosasharn GF Oba VEV87 SS: Rosasharn TL Golden Flicker SD: Rosasharn WT B-Na VEEV88 SD: SGCH Castle Rock Angelika 3*M DS: SG Castle Rock Cleveland Sage +*B ('15 Elite Buck List) DD: Castle Rock Annika 2*M VVEV87 SD: Windy Gorge The Dance VVVV86 @ 1yr DS: Camanna RM Stellar Moon Night SS: Pholia Farm SMRD Reliance Moon SD: Camanna CS Chocolate Chacha 1*M +VV+85 @7yrs DD: Calico Creek Eve's Pecan Mocha ++AV82 DS: Old Mountain Farm Ibex DD: Pecan Hollow Evening Waltz DD: Goat-ER-Done CC Charishma DS: Proctor Hill Farm Cajun Chief +V+84 SS: Tx Twincreeks SEM Indiansummer *B SS: Lost Valley TB Seminole *S SD: MCH/PGCH Twin Creeks Midsummernightdream 2*D/1*M EEEE91 SD: Dragonfly RY Mardi Gras +++A81 DS: Caesars Villa BB Rebel Yell *S DD: ARMCH Flat Rocks Here for the Party *D E EEEV90 DD: SG Gladdie Acres Macchiato 2*M VV++84 (1 yo) DS: SGCH Copper Penny MTB Money To Burn +B ++E84 DD: SG Deer Run ND Beryl 1*M |
Single Doeling!
DOB: 3/31/19
Sire: Stayawhile CC Southern Ghost *B
SS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 SD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm VEVE89 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe) DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+88 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio DD: The Daphne Delite Dam: Highland Ranch NW Denalisunset DS: Stayawhile TV Newsworthy VVVV SS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV 86 (at 1 year) SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (2011 ADGA Nat'l CH Dry Yearling) SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 DD: Hidden Gems PSC Flower DD: Highland Ranch MM Talkeetna +VVV85 DS: Camanna RZ Moonlight Mojo ++E83 SS: Rosasharn SH Zahtar *B SD: Sugar-Pine SL Moonlight Molly DD: CH Blue Bear BD Little Willow EEEE91 DS: Camanna BJ Blue Dakota DD: CH Blue Bear SB Afternoon Delight |
Twins! (1 buckling/ 1 doeling)
DOB: 3/30/19
Sire: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86
SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M, E 91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 Nat'l Show CH Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV 87 Dam: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker SD: MCH SCF Blessing DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90 DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1532 |
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 3/27/19
Sire: Stayawhile CC Pulitzer
SS: SG Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1yr) SD: Stayawhile TV Red Pixels 2*M VEEV88 Dam: Stayawhile CC Southern Sweet 3*M DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B DD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M VEVE89 |
Single Buckling!
DOB: 3/27/19
Sire: Stayawhile CC Southern Ghost *B
SS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 SD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm VEVE89 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe) DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+88 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio DD: The Daphne Delite Dam: Third Planet FFI Hazel DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV87 SS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B*S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo (2012 Natl Show CH Dry Yearling) DS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B DD: GCH Thunder-Ridge DSDG Elskamin VEVV87 DD: Mtn Lodge Daffodil DS: Mtn Lodge SR Blu SS: Poppy Patch SM Riverdance VVV86 SS: MI Sugarcreek WK Sally's Max *B SD: Poppy Patch RC Kitty Foyle SD: Minterbay Northern Belle DS: Herron Hill PPC Caboose DD: GCH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle 1*M DD: Mtn Lodge BR Hilary DS: Rosasharn SH Uni's Bryce+*B A++79 SS: Rosasharn BB Son Of Honey ++*B VEV87 SD: SG Rosasharn's Uni 2*M EEEV90 DD: Left Foot Farm DT Hannah 6*M AVVA77 (1yo) DS: KW Farms TB Driftin' Tom +++83 DD: Chenango-Hills Hyacinth 5*M VVEV86 (4yo) |
Single Doeling!
DOB: 3/24/19
Sire: Stayawhile KJ Finale
SS: Minterbay HK Koji SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M DS: Minterbay Easter Island SS: Honey Goat Easter Jackpot SS: Rosasharn UP Bit-A-Mischief *B *S SD: CH Honey Goat Domingo SD: CH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M DS: Poppy Patch Ready OR Not SS: Buttin'Heads Father Christmas SD: CH Poppy Patch Not Quite An Angel DD: CH Herron Hill CJ Cora Belle 1*M DS: Poppy Patch Captain January DD: Herron Hill Hannah Belle |
Single AI Doeling!
DOB: 3/19/19
Sire: Wood Bridge Farm Promisclasact
SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Undeniable SS: CH Wood Bridge Farm Understated SD: CH Atwood Acres Dott SD: CH Wood Bridge Farm Pets Promise (ADGA National JR Champion) DS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn DD: CH Wood Bridge Farm Teacher's Pet Dam: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 Top Ten Performance Doe, Elite x4, GCH/Best Udder x1 DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie VVEE88 |
Twin Doelings!
DOB: 3/17/19
Sire: Loperrized JS Jettie
SS: CH Almar Acres O Leroy Jethro G *B SS: Rosasharn GF Oba SD: SGCH Castle Rock Angelika 3*M SD: Almar Acres HS Smoky Sky SD: Dragonfly HB Holy Smokes DD: Camanna RM Moonlit Sky 1*M Dam: Stayawhile CC Ice Cream DS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee *B SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker 3*M VVEE90 SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker SS: Irish Whisper Heartbreaker SD: MCH SCF Blessing DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa DS: MCH Gay-Mor Domino's Mantis +S ++B, EX 90 DD: WGF Sally 2*D AR1532 |
Single Buckling!
DOB: 3/17/19
Sire: Stayawhile FIN Dash Cam Pro
SS: Stayawhile KJ Finale SS: Minterbay HK Koji SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta SD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 (4 yrs) 3x Elite List; 2018 TOP TEN List for all three categories DS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86 SS: Algedi FArm H Thunderstruck VEE90 SD: Fuji Farm RTR Mi Cielo +VVV86 (2012 ADGA National 1st dry yearling) DD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 DS: VOB Blessy's Joker DD: Sugar Creek MT Tressa Dam: Stayawhile MMT Abbondanza DS: Stayawhile TZ Momentum *B SS: Stayawhile TV Newsworthy *B SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M DD: Minterbay HK Hope Solo 4*M DS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B DD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M |
Twins! (1 buckling/ 1 doeling)
DOB: 3/16/19
Sire: Stayawhile ML Capt On Deck*B
SS: Desertnanny SS Mister Lincoln *B VEV87 SS: Desertnanny LD Stainless Steel *B SS: Desertnanny BBB Luck Dragon *S *B SS: Desertnanny BR Blueberrybuckle *S *B SD: GCH Desertnanny IM Wood Nymph 2*D 2*M AR SD: GCH Desertnanny BR Floribunda 4*M AR 4*D VEEV88 DS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S +B V87 DD: Desertnanny Iced Rosebud 3*D 3*M SD: Desertnanny BE Lacey Finlandia 3*M AR DS: Ironwoodranch AS Bree *S +B SS: Rosasharn BB Aslan *S SD: Ironwoodranch SJ Gingersnap 3*D 3*M DD: SGCH MCH Desertnanny Icy Blue Skyy 2*M 3*D AR DS: Twin Creeks Icy Hot++S ++B DD: SG Esperanza RF La Madrina 2*D 1*M V89 SD: Stayawhile HC Midnight Cruz 5*M VVVV85 DS: Rosasharn NP Honeymoon Cruz *B VVE87 SS: Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B SS: Rosasharn AL's Astrix SD: GCH Rosasharn TL Queen Bee 5*M SD: Rosasharn BB Honey Moon 4*M DS: Rosashasrn WT B-Bo *B DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D,3*M EEEE91 2007 AGS Natl CH SR Doe and Best Udder 2010 ADGA Natl Reserve CH SR Doe DD: Fuji Farm FFS Mazy 4*M VEEV87 DS: Fuji Farm RTR Samsun *B SS: Rosasharn SP Triumph *B SD: GCH Sandy Hollow UK Sunshine 2*M VEEE91 DD: Odeon ATS Michael 3*M DS: Algedi Farm H Thunderstruck VEE90 DD: GCH Sandy Hollow UK Maddie 2*M VEEE91 Dam: Stayawhile HC De La Cruz DS: Rosasharn NP Honey Moon Cruz *B VVE87 SS: Rosasharn AX Noble Prince *B VVV88 SS: Rosasharn Al's Astrix *B VEE89 SD: GCH Rosasharn TL Queen Bee 5*M SD: Rosasharn BB Honey Moon 4*M VEV+84 DS: Rosasharn WT B-Bo *B VEE89 DD: ARMCH Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*D, 3*M, EEEE91 2007 AGS Nat'l CH Doe & Best Udder 2010 ADGA Nat'l Reserve CH Doe DD: SG Stayawhile NW Southern Belle VEVV87 DS: Stayawhile TV Newsworthy +VV82 SS: Fuji Farm ATS Mi Incentivo VVV86 SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm 2*M EVV+87 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE90 DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+86 |
Triplets! (2 bucklings/ 1 doeling)
DOB: 3/14/19
Sire: Stayawhile CC Southern Ghost *B
SS: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 SD: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm VEVE89 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE 90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B, +S SD: CH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, E (2010 ADGA Nat'l CH Doe) DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+88 DS: Purple Camas Farm Fabio DD: The Daphne Delite Dam: SG MilkNKids MM Thin Ice Blues 1*M ++V+83 (FF score) DS: Urban Acres MS Man in the Moon *B SS: GCH Camanna LI Moonlight Symphony *B SS: Dill's D Lucky's Image *B SD: CH Camanna CS Moonlight Sonata EEEE91 SD: SGCH Urban Acres SD Blue Bonnet 2*M 3x ADGA Top Ten & Total Performer doe DS: Alexanderfarm BW Studlydorite DD: Copper Peny Blue Eyed Susan DD: Goat-ER-Done PAL Vanilla Bean +VEV86 (FF score) DS: SGCH Buttin'Heads Palimony ++*B EEE90 SS: Buttin'Heads Pajamars ++B SD: GCH/ARMCH Buttin'Heads Wedding Song 1*M, 3*D DD: SGCH Blythmoor HM Almond Joy 3*M VEEE90 DS: Promisedland COM War Hawk *S+B DD: SGCH Blythmoor CW Mulberry 2*M |
Single Buckling!
DOB: 3/13/19
Single AI Buckling!
DOB: 3/05/19
Triplets (2 does/1 buck)
DOB: 3/05/19
Sire: Stayawhile KJ Finale
SS:Minterbay HK Koji SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3*M DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: Stayawhile GK Miyoki DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku *B VEE90 DD: Stayawhile HC Midnight Cruz 2*M VVVV86 |
Quintuplets! (3 doelings/ 2 bucklings)
DOB: 2/28/19
Sire: Stayawhile KJ Finale *B (pending)
SS: Minterbay HK Koji *B (pending) SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVEE88 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse 3* MEEEE91 DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: The TMS Bedtime Story 2*M VEEV87 (Elite Doe) DS: Windy Gorge HJ Thats My Story *B SS: GCH Almar Acres O Leroy Jethro *B VVEE88 SD: Windy Gorge The Dance 1*M VVVV86 (FF score) DD: Goat-ER-Done CC Cha Cha Cha DS: Proctor Hill Farm Cajun Chief SS: Tx Twincreeks SEM Indiansummer *B SD: Dragonfly RY Mardi Gras DD: Gladdie Acres MTB Doe Ci Doe 1*M VEVE88 |
Quintuplets! (4 bucklings/ 1 Doeling)
DOB: 2/28/19
DOB: 2/28/19
Sire: Stayawhile CR I Got Your Black *B
SS: Dill's BJ Curiouser *B VVV88 (1 yr) SS: SG Dill's TS Banjo *B SD: SG Dill's KJ Misstery 1*D/1*M VEEE90 SD: Rosasharn RS B-Licious VE++86 5*M Dam: SG Hidden Gems GK Southern Charm VEVE89 2*M DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey +*B +S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M, VEEE91 2019 ADGA Nat'l CH DD: SG Elfin Acres Poppy 1*M EEE+86 DS: Purple Cams Farm Fabio EEE91 DD: The Daphen Delight |
Triplets! (2 Does/1 Buck) DOB: 2/24/19
Sire: Stayawhile FIN Dash Cam Pro
SS: Stayawhile KJ Finale SD: SG Stayawhile TV Camera Ready 2*M VEEE91 TOP TEN PERFORMER DOE ELITE X 4 Dam: Minterbay HK Hope Solo 4*M DS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B DD: Minteraby EI Ellipse 3*M |
Triplets! (2 Bucks/1 Doe) DOB: 2/22/19
Twins! (Buck/Doe) DOB: 2/03/19
Sire: Stayawhile KJ Finale
SS: Minterbay HK Koji SS: Stayawhile GK Hiraku *B SS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SD: SGCH Honey Goat Blondie 1*M VVVV87 SD: Minterbay EI Ellipse DS: Minterbay Easter Island DD: Minterbay Wedding Belles 2*M SD: SGCH Stayawhile GK Takara 1*M VEEV90 DS: SG Rosasharn SH Guyku +*B VEE90 SS: Rosasharn BB Son of Honey *B+S VEV87 SD: SGCH Rosasharn P Haiku 4*M VEEE91 2010 ADGA Natl CH Doe DD: Hidden Gems PCS Flower DS: Purple Camas Farm My Shadow DD: Poppy Patch PB Marietta Dam: Desertnanny BBB Blueberrywyne 3*M VEEE90 DS: DesertNanny BR BlueBerryBuckle *B *S SS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S +B VVV 87 SS: Twin Creeks WB Hero of the Day *S SS: MCH Goodwood Weisbaden ++*S E SD: Artist's Eye Kaleidoscope *D SD: Caesar's Vill STS Bam-Bam DS: ARMCH Caesar's Villa CBS Stetson ++*S DD: Rosasharn's B'Udder-Nut 3*D SD: DesertNanny Icy Blue TailFly 3*D, 3*M VEEV88 DS: Twin Creeks Icy Hot *+S SS: Piddlin Acres Hot Sauce *S SD: MCH Hill Country's WB Chardonnay 2*D, 1*M EEEV90 DD: DesertNanny SJ Sevenfeathers 2*D, 2*M DS: SG Esperanza MB Smarty Jones +*S DD: Esperanza WS Warbonnet *D, 1*M DD: GCH DesertNanny IM Wood Nymph 2*M R 2*D DS: DesertNanny Icy Blue Ice Man *S , +*B SS: Twin Creeks Icy Hot +*S , ++B SS: Piddlin Acres Hot Sauce *S SD: MCH Hill Country's WB Chardonnay 2*D, 1*M EEEV90 SD: DesertNanny RF La Madrina *D, 2*M DS: PromisedLand LD Royal Flush *D DD: MCH Esperanza ZZ Feona *D DD: DesertNanny BR Sun's Journey *D, 1*M DS: DF Farms HD Barney Rubble +S V85 SS: Twin Creeks WB Hero of the Day *S SD: Caesar's Villa STS Bam-Bam DD: Esperanza MB Kachina Doll V DS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay ++*S DD: Twin Creeks WB Bavarian Rain |
Twins! (Buck/Doe) DOB: 1/27/19
Sire: Poppy Patch Creme De La Creme *B
SS: Sans Gene GT Creme Brulee *B SS: Caprinos TMM Renegade VEE89 SS: Sugar Creek MT Tell Me More +*B VEE89 SD: Poppy Patch FM Calamity Jane EEEV90 (Ponders End The Full Monty x Esperanza ZZ Charity) SD: GCH Pholia Farm HB Flicker 3*M VVEE90 DS: GCH Piddlin Acres Hit The Bullseye EEE90 DD: SG Pholia Farm DB Honeycomb 2*M SD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter ++*B EEE91 SS: Rosahsarn's UMT Hamachi +*B *S VVV85 SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M EEVE90 DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DS: ARMCH Rosasharn's Under My Thumb +*B+*S "E" DD: SG Rosasharn's Buckwheat Honey 3*M EEEE91 Dam: Poppy Patch OR Andromeda 1*M DS: Alethia DJ Orion *B SS: CH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter EEE 91 *B*S SS: Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi +B *S VVV85 SD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 SD: CH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna 4*M VEVE90 DS: Copper Penny Royal Kaliber DD: GCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*D, 4*M E91.5 DD: CH Poppy Patch HB Lady in Red DS: Algedi Farm MB Honeymoon Bay *B*S SS: Twin Creeks BW Montego Bay ++*B++*S SD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 DD: Algedi Farm DJ Just Like Honey 5*M DS: CH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter EEE 91 *B*S DD: SGCH Rosasharn's UMT Tupelo Honey 4*D EEEE91 |
Stayawhile Farm
Poulsbo, WA
(360) 779-5608
Poulsbo, WA
(360) 779-5608